Ahem ... Drum roll if you please. As of 25 minutes ago, the actual Webley & Scott factory collection .177 Omega, as sold via the Webley liquidation auction, held by Wallis & Wallis, is now sitting in my gun rack, complete with full ephemera of provenance.

To say I am chuffed, would be a bit of an understatement. I have sat it in the rack alongside my Anschuts LG335 .177 which hails from the same auction (the actual rifle Webley's R&D dept studied to crib the Omega's barrel release catch from), and I feel that today, is a good day.

All I need to do now is coax the .22 Omega prototype, which was also sold in said sale back in '06, away from its current owner, and not only will it be a good day as alluded to above, but January 2010 will itself forever shine as a wondrous beacon in the memoirs of my collecting obsession.

Atvb: Gareth.