i too owned the hw100 the ks version and i too would agree that it was the most clinical and silent hunting gun i have ever used(and ive shot a few lol,,,,aa's,rapids,loguns,bsa,etc),,the hw100 is maybe not the prettiest out there,but the way it goes about its business is second to none(my opinion),,of course we have the new breed of electronic guns from daystate that are so dead to shoot that accuracy seems easy,,but at a cost significantly higher than the hw,,,,,,in the 600-700 price bracket i think nothing can touch it in terms of reliability,,consistency,accuracy,the best mag system bar none,,and of course the slincence with the hw silencer.
just an all round superb hunting gun that i wish id never sold.
maybe its the age old,,I FANCY A CHANGE thing why so many seem to be for sale,,,or then again it could just be the economic climate,who knows,but if i get the chance to get another i would in a heart beat,,and never,,i mean never get rid again.