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Thread: Eyesight problems

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    Great Yarmouth Norfolk

    Eyesight problems

    Been having some issues with the sight in my left eye for about the last week or so. This has got me wondering about some effects that I have always seemed to suffer from.
    I have always shot with both eyes open using a small blinder fitted to my shooting frames. When looking through the sights it apperars as if everything I see through the apature is tilted over to the left. Then when I look through the spotting scope with the other eye everything seems to go over the other way. I also use the spotting scope with both eyes open.
    My question is am I alone in experiancing this, or is it a comon effect?


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2010

    No Al

    I too shoot with both eyes open (prone smallbore) at all distances for competitions and also find the the view leans over to the side, I am right handed,
    regards Neil
    Good Deals with Mikewaring, ggggr, watchsapart, Majex45, Nhill, zebedee71,Eredel,Hawksthorn,Red Bob, Stanbridge,Barrow_Matt,Mr.Fixit-Norm, turbo33 .atb thankyou all Neil

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2001
    is'nt this something to do with your eyes being at different heights i'm not even going to try open sights again till i get my eyes sorted. i had my annual retinal scan (type 2 diabetic on insulin) two weeks ago only to be told i have diabetic maculopathy and they need me in to talk about what they want to do about it
    them there springer's are soooooo addictive

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Chelveston, Northants
    I know this is a bit obvious but I assume that your head is up staight and eyes are level?

    It could be worth getting someone to takes some pictures whilst you're in position.


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    New Milton, Hampshire
    Quote Originally Posted by BigAl View Post
    Been having some issues with the sight in my left eye for about the last week or so. This has got me wondering about some effects that I have always seemed to suffer from.
    I have always shot with both eyes open using a small blinder fitted to my shooting frames. When looking through the sights it apperars as if everything I see through the apature is tilted over to the left. Then when I look through the spotting scope with the other eye everything seems to go over the other way. I also use the spotting scope with both eyes open.
    My question is am I alone in experiancing this, or is it a comon effect?

    Are you talking about the sight picture rotating?

    Does it only happen with the sights on the other eye, in other words, is it all the same when your looking through the scope and thin air?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    Great Yarmouth Norfolk
    Sometimes it seems to be leaning over when looking through the spotting scope, even when I am not shooting. So one eye through the scope other looking into nothing. I could never quite get the looking through the sights while looking through the scope at the same time trick, wish I could have thought nothing like bring able to see the mirage in real time.
    I have been thinking some more about this, and when looking at the windflags with my left eye while using my right to look through the sights. I recall getting the same effect when shooting in both Standing and Kneeling positions when I used to shoot 3P.
    Since I started shooting BR things have got a little better as I do not see the effect all the time. Sometimes though it is still as if everything seen with the right eye is tilted left and everything through the left eye is tilted by the same ammount to the right.


  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    New Milton, Hampshire
    haven't got a clue... have you spoken to an optician?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Buxted County HFT Republic of Crowzilla Sussex
    Quote Originally Posted by BigAl View Post
    Sometimes it seems to be leaning over when looking through the spotting scope, even when I am not shooting. So one eye through the scope other looking into nothing. I could never quite get the looking through the sights while looking through the scope at the same time trick, wish I could have thought nothing like bring able to see the mirage in real time.
    I have been thinking some more about this, and when looking at the windflags with my left eye while using my right to look through the sights. I recall getting the same effect when shooting in both Standing and Kneeling positions when I used to shoot 3P.
    Since I started shooting BR things have got a little better as I do not see the effect all the time. Sometimes though it is still as if everything seen with the right eye is tilted left and everything through the left eye is tilted by the same ammount to the right.


    From experience with eye problems I would say not as a reason for your problems, that each eye can be completely different in respect of what it sees and how it sees it. The brain is a marvelous thing and corrects/combines both images to see what we see in stereoscopic vision. However if eyes are tired/stronger than each other at certain times then obviously conflicting images may well be fighting for dominance.

    Just my thoughts.

    Buxted HFT Garage Guns are Us. Home of Crowzilla Doppers doughnut corner and SiHFT winners 2007 2008 2009 2010 2017 2018 2019.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    Great Yarmouth Norfolk
    Quote Originally Posted by RobF View Post
    haven't got a clue... have you spoken to an optician?
    No but I am about due a visit. Never considered it before but some of the postings on shooting optics on here lately had got me thinking.


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