I was well chuffed with my setting out last night..really long targets, all angles to the wind....forced kneelers......well chuffed....then i shot it, along with some other crazy lads and had a slightly different opinion!......
It was definately a windy day today and no mistake!
Tony Archer, was very sympathetic to my plight....i couldn't hit a barn door!

1) Tony Archer..49 Extremely well shot, you deserve the glory..

2) Bob Appleyard..45 Got it together now then old boy...good shooting!

3) Chris Gent..44 Well shot Chris.

4) Jon Fairman..40

5) Spencer Fairman..36

6) Terry Aiken..35

6) Bob Pattenden..35

6) GraemeCargan..35

6) Charles Peal..35

7) Mike Byford..31 Whoopee! ...don't ask!

Thanks for the company Tony and the lesson!
Thanks to all that turned out on what was a terrible day (for me), it turns out my scope was on back to front!.....Or might as well have been!

See you at Round 8!

A Soggy bewildered Spongey!