Well there was a recent book on maintaining a variety of spring guns by Q Cobham. And there are various general books that deal with the history of the airgun. Values are notoriously hard to pin down, so I'm not surprised publishers are reluctant to put that feature in their books, apart from the Beeman guide whose valuations are ballpark at best.

Re. strips, the irony is that an excellent book already exists but it's pages are strewn here there and everywhere. I'm talking about the airgun mags' archives of course.

Archant, the publisher of Airgunner and Airgun World could presumably put together - in short order - a book consisting entirely of reprints of Phil Bulmer's strips and all the various strips done by other writers down the years. It would almost certainly sell in decent numbers. I'm not sure why they haven't done it yet? Maybe they're working on it?