I saw ref in the Basc member magazine some years back to a pcp maker doing a sort of gundog launcher that was a pump up , based on a airgun mechanism , that launched a lightweight shuttle cock . The very brief article mentioned that they the makers also did pcp 'specials'
Whilst I don't collect pcp (yet) , there are many that do (see the thread elsewhere here re the very nice early Titan/Falcon ) , and there are more than a few oddities and one-offs floating around Private collections and also at some of the Fairs thru dealers . Have always wondered what happened to the outfit and whetehr anyone has ever seen any of the 'specials' which as far as airguns go would be very collectible and sought aftre - if you could actually find out any information on them - I did ask at Basc but editorial material was binned aftre the issue came out , and the only contact given was a dreaded mobile phone number . The outfit was called Mendem Engineering ( typo errors possible ) , and definitely English .

Anyone ever see anything by this reclusive maker ?