Hello to you all,

I have been lurking in the shadows for a few months trying to learn, which sometimes seems to be another language, what with 'crossover', 'Cant' 'Holdover' 'Holdunder' 'parralax'....... the list seems endless.

I last fired an airgun 43 years ago and things have definately moved on a pace since then, unfortunately my eyesight hasn't !.

I have just acquired a FX Verminator .22 with air bottle etc, which I know has it's critics but it seems very good to me and suits my needs of general plinking and the occasional attempt at hunting rabbits on a piece of land I own.

I have been very fortunate to have been given an ex demo Hawke 4-14 x42 sidewinder tac 30 scope, the mounts I have ordered and should be with me tomorrow.

Now for the question. The gun came with a Fenix TK11 light (25mm body tube) with a red filter and a scope 'clamp', however the clamp is 25mm at both ends and the scope body is 30mm, I have phoned the company but they cannot help.

Is there a way to attach this 25mm torch to my scope, or am I wasting my time and should just bin it, albeit it is worth about 50 quid new !