Hi All
Pending the arrival of new specimens for my small collection,I must make space in my cabinet and so the following are offered for sale:-
BSA LIGHT Serial L22485 complete except for rear sight elivator wheel, sight leaf is non standard.Steelwork has been painted to a high standard matt black, stock has very minor dings and pings and is complete with plug.Internals are in good condition.Cocking and firing action is smooth.This is an excellent plinker.Price f2f £80.00
BSA BREAK BARREL Serial 642 complete but rear sight leaf and cocking lever are not original.Steelwork is overall smoth brown patina.Stock has very minor dings and pings and feint tiger stripe and replacement stock plug.Internals are in good condition.cocking and firing action is smooth. This is an excellent plinker.Price f2f £80.00
Please add £15 each for postage. Cash or cheques please, despatch on clearance of funds
Pictures can be emailed to interested members
First to say "Yes" on the Forum will be the buyer followed by a PM to confirm.
In your offer to buy please confirm that you are over 21 and not a "prohibited person"