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Thread: West London Rangers HFT results 9th May

  1. #1
    PFletch Guest

    West London Rangers HFT results 9th May

    We were joined today by a group from Shepreth, so I thought I would post the results so that the Shepreth yokels couldn't brag to their mates about trouncing the WLR wussies.

    Open Class

    J. Dunford - WLR 55
    L Binding - WLR 55
    P.Fletcher - WLR 54
    D. Maun - WLR/Shepreth 52 (didn't know until today that he was also a member of Shepreth - snivelling turncoat)
    G. Sutton - WLR 51
    P. Boden - WLR 50
    M. Britten - WLR 48
    E. Marwick - WLR 47
    T. Dunford - WLR 47
    C. Saunders - WLR 42
    G. Marwick - WLR 39

    Recoiling Class :

    L. Binding - WLR 56
    S. Simpson - WLR 51
    R.J.Burns - WLR 46
    R.M. Burns - WLR 41
    B. Meacher - WLR 40

    Ladies :

    C. Sykes - Shep 53
    M. Andrews - Shep 52
    A. Russell - Shep 50
    N. Pearson - Shep 49

    Juniors :

    L. Sykes - Shep 57
    B. Thompsett - Shep 48

    Congratulations to Larrisa for a brilliant score, on what we tried to make quite a challenging course (leave her at home next time !!)

    Hope the Sheppies had a good day, we enjoyed their company.

    Paul Fletcher

  2. #2
    Big Dave is offline Formerly known as Badger410
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Well done Larissa, another cracking score.

    Thanks to the Lads and Lasses who travelled today.

    Paul, I think we need some more work on your people skills! If that was a thank you, for sorting your trigger, you failed miserably but you're welcome.
    Last edited by Big Dave; 10-05-2010 at 09:38 AM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2007
    In a road in Horsham,West Sussex
    ladies class.....

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    Farnham, Surrey
    Quote Originally Posted by Steve L View Post
    ladies class.....
    I thought that was quite funny Steve
    Never go off half cocked....

    All lies matter

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2007
    In a road in Horsham,West Sussex
    Quote Originally Posted by Baxterbasics View Post
    I thought that was quite funny Steve

    Maybe Mark & Colin fancied a change.....

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    suffolk cambs border (haverhill)


    well thanks for a great day out, and a nice change to see my name at the top of a class for a change although anne might not be to happy about it.
    thanks for a good time


  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    A thoroughly enjoayble day out so thanks to the WLR lot for inviting us all down.
    As people may have gathered we had a bit of an adventure getting there....

    ....not so much "Five Go Mad in Dorset" as "Two Get Lost in Denham".

    I thought Nicky knew where we were going.

    Nicky thought I knew where it was.

    These trains of thoughts collided somewhat abruptly as we found ourselves circumnavigating Uxbridge City Centre.
    Isn't modern technology great? As we found ourselves first on a conference call to Mark and then to Colin who was frantically trying to establish our location on his sat nav. -By now we'd ended up at Denham Golf Club, we'd tried to use Nickys sat nav but it seemed to be having a bit of bother locating a satellite. In an attempt to find one Nicky had opted to drive up a country lane that seemed to get narrower and narrower as the bushes got higher and higher.
    We eventually ended up at a waste recycling plant, but were told to keep going... and there it was. Just another 200yards over the brow of the hill and we saw the wonderous sight of several be-camo'd figures in the middle of the road flailing their arms at us.

    I'm pleased to say the course was relatively straightforward after that. A thoroughly enjoyable shoot with Basil and much mumbling and grating of teeth at some of the reducers! Very pleased about the weather much nicer conditions to yesterday

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