Here are the results for sundays springer comp!

James Luff---------------51
John Munns--------------48
David Cook--------------48
Steve Burton------------46
Chris Watson------------43
Howard Towler-----------41
Les Marshall--------------37
Dave Spary--------------36
Harry--------------------29 (guest) junior?
Connor Burton-----------25 junior

Just for fun scores! to keep the maldon boys happy
pcp-1x sr

Tony Ward----------------55
Lloyd Davies---------------54 ( mad guest)
Martyn Goodsall------------54 (mad guest)
James Luff-----------------54
Richard Cunningham--------51 (guest) mad?
Geoff Ryder----------------51 (mad guest)
Steve Burton---------------50
Karen Yates----------------50
Shirley Marshall-------------44
Tony Boss Yates------------dont ask!

To keep the maldon boys happier!

All targets taken standing?

Lloyd Davies-----------------52 (mad guest)
Martyn Goodsall--------------47 (mad guest)
Geoff Ryder------------------40 (mad guest)

Well done to everyone, hope to see you all soon!