I hope you've noticed how quiet it's been of late .......
....... we've been busy you see.
A little diggin' here ..... a tweak or two there ....... majick is an art and Merlin has many apprentices.

The Magical Donut Wood.

In the Shire, in Bluebell wood,
Next meeting place, for all who shoot,
Tried before? there’s better yet,
A tricky test, designed and set,

A magic place, serene, sublime,
The hallowed haunt of fifty-nine,
One by one, step up the best,
Yet none so far, have passed the test,

Dreamers all, with hopes of glory,
Come to repeat, the same old story,
Do-nuts abound, expect a few,
The three score waits, a champion true,

It won’t be me,
Or any of you.

