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Thread: Jan McArthur passed away this morning

  1. #46
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Lower Green
    So sorry to hear this sad news Jim.

    You are in my prayers,



    Quote Originally Posted by Jim McArthur View Post
    Other than our minister, our UBC mates are the first ones outside the family learning this sad news. I'm sorry if you receive duplicate posts on this: I tried to post earlier but it doesn't seem to have gone.

    My wife, our friend, Jan McArthur, passed away at about 12:30 (18:30 UK time) today. I really can't believe that it happened, but it did.

    She'd undergone serious surgery for uterine cancer on 11 June. The past few days she'd been extremely tired and short of breath. When she was coming down the steps this morning, she almost passed out. The ambulance took her to the hospital, where I still didn't think that it was going to be anything that serious, till the doctors started saying that they couldn't find a pulse, and that her body temperature was dropping.

    She died of a blood clot to her lungs.

    Jan was a wonderful woman and the best wife a man could have had. We had nearly 10 happy years together: I only wish it could have been 30 more.

    I'm going to be out of action for awhile, so please send the next round of Police scores to PADDY.

    MIKEB, I shot 10 meter last night: 36, 36, = 72, 1-handed, Daisy Avanti SSP, Beeman H&N Match pellets.

    Take care of yourselves, mates. Enjoy every minute. I wish we could have seen you all again, together, next May: but God, or Fate, or whatever you prefer, had other plans.


  2. #47
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Middlesbrough, Cleveland
    I don't post a lot on here but have read your post's over the years and am so sorry to hear your awful news.

    My sincere condolences to you.

  3. #48
    Join Date
    May 2006
    Sligeach, Ireland
    I'm truly sorry to hear this news Jim. The 2 of you will be in my prayers tonight.
    The truth is rarely pure and never simple. -O.W. 1895

  4. #49
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    Brierley Hill
    Jim, I'm speechless upon reading this sad news and can't imagine how you must be feeling right now.

    Unfortunately I never had the opportunity to meet Jan but it's clear that she was an amazing person and held in high regard by many fellow UBC and BBS members.

    Our thoughts are with you and your family at this difficult time.

    Hang in there fella!
    Vince, Jade, Ruby & Molly.

  5. #50
    Jim McArthur is offline Frock coat wearing, riverboat dwelling, southern gent
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    New Orleans, Louisiana
    Thank you, one and all! These are wonderful messages, and I know that Jan would be - no, IS! - delighted and proud of your comments, and your words of encouragement.

    As I read through these messages, I note many names I know very well. Some others, I know only slightly, or recall from having corresponded with in the past. Still others are new to me. But we are all part of a great fraternity that knows no national boundaries, and Jan and I are proud to be part of that fraternity.

    Please pardon my rambling, but it gives me comfort to talk about Jan on a Forum. If you will forgive also what seems like a comical comparison, but one which just popped into my head a few minutes ago: Jan herself commented that I seemed to take comfort (and I did) from talking on an internet forum about the death of my beloved little dog Andy, back on 4 July 2001: just 6 months after Jan and I got married (6 January 2001).

    Tomorrow, I will need to commence all the many things that families have to do when a loved one passes on. But I will be checking back from time to time, and keeping everyone updated.

    Your friend,

    Last edited by Jim McArthur; 19-07-2010 at 04:45 AM.
    UBC's Police Pistol Manager
    "Nasty, noisy things, revolvers, Count. Better stick to air-guns." Sherlock Holmes, The Adventure of the Mazarin Stone

  6. #51
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    My thoughts are with you and your family Jim
    TX200 MK 3 .177
    FAS 604 .177

  7. #52
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    middleton manchester
    sorry to hear your bad news m8 god bless

    atb mark
    all i ask is the chance to prove that money dosn't bring you happiness.......

    SAVE A TREE......kill a beever.......

  8. #53
    Join Date
    May 2006
    I am sad to hear this news. Jim is a great friend to British shooters and a true gentleman. I send my best wishes.

  9. #54
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    God Bless .

  10. #55
    Join Date
    May 2004

    Sincere condolences on your loss.


  11. #56
    Jim McArthur is offline Frock coat wearing, riverboat dwelling, southern gent
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    New Orleans, Louisiana
    It's 0330 here. I tried to fall asleep a couple hours ago, but just can't: too stressed out, so I'm up doing things like laundry, cleaning out the cat litter, and typing e-messages to you, our friends.

    UBC's Police Pistol Manager
    "Nasty, noisy things, revolvers, Count. Better stick to air-guns." Sherlock Holmes, The Adventure of the Mazarin Stone

  12. #57
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by Jim McArthur View Post
    Please pardon my rambling, but it gives me comfort to talk about Jan on a Forum.

    If you will forgive also what seems like a comical comparison, but one which just popped into my head a few minutes ago: Jan herself commented that I seemed to take comfort (and I did) from talking on an internet forum about the death of my beloved little dog Andy, back on 4 July 2001: just 6 months after Jan and I got married (6 January 2001).

    Tomorrow, I will need to commence all the many things that families have to do when a loved one passes on. But I will be checking back from time to time, and keeping everyone updated.

    Your friend,

    Hi Jim,
    One of the worse things that the can be done is for the person who has lost their loved one to try and avoid talking about them. Another is for the friends and associates of that person to avoid mentioning their name as if the departed friend is someone that should be forgotten and never again mentioned. Jan was/is a lovely lady, it would be a travesty for people to forget that and not to mention it when the occasion arises. As far as taking comfort from talking about Jan is concerned, well buddy, at this particularly difficult time for you, where ever you get comfort from, grab with both hands, I doubt you'll find any of your friends here that would begrudge you that and none of us mind talking with you about Jan. Talking on an internet forum is just the same as talking on the phone buddy, it's the communication that matters, not the media used to communicate.

    I hope that in the coming days/weeks you'll be able to draw even just a little strength for the tasks in hand, from the fact that there are those on the other side of the pond wishing we could be closer and more helpful to you right now and thinking of you, hoping and willing for you to get through this with as little pain as possible.

    With love Jim
    Bob & Nuala
    He who dies with the most toys wins. Flying, shooting, fishing and sports cars, what more could a man want.

  13. #58
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    So Sorry to hear this news, I had the pleasure of meeting you both.

    My thoughts are with you.


  14. #59
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    Slough, Berkshire
    Oh Jim i am so Sorry, I can't beleive she has gone, i'm lost for words.

    I know you have heard and will continue to hear this a lot, she was a real lovely lady, she had a wonderfull sense of humour and the worlds biggest smile. She just seemed to invite you into her heart from the moment you met her.

    I know she will be greatly missed by all her friends here on the bbs.

    My thoughts are with you and your family.

    Again I'm so very sorry for loss my friend.

    Last edited by cookie; 19-07-2010 at 10:57 AM.
    Fancy shooting your air pistols & rifles a bit more, then guy's & gal's come visit us at the
    UBC for loads of fun competitions for all types of air pistols and rifles.

  15. #60
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    East Molesey
    Sorry to hear this,

    Take Care Jim.

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