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Thread: .58 Smoothbore what do I need?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    Sudbury, Suffolk

    .58 Smoothbore what do I need?

    Ok I have just bought a repoduction .58 smoothbore percusion musket.

    All I have is the gun and blackpowder storage box but intend to try Pyrodex or 777 first then put in for the paperwork for Blackpowder.

    What do I need to fire it first as a shotgun load then latter on a range patched ball?

    Also what cleaning equipment do I need the ram rod has a thread on one end or am I better off getting a dedicated cleaning rod?

    Can Pyrodex or 777 be bought mail order if not any suppliers near me?

    Any advice would be welcome.

    Zastava Owners Club.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2008

    Smooth bore musket

    Hi JD75 Congratulation on joining us muzzle stuffers its great fun. I can only offer you my point of view many other more experianced will also give you great advice some will be contridictory as we all have our own pet loves and hates.

    As a shotgun licence holder you are able if you are a member of an approved range to use patch and ball straight away IF your range will allow you to and there is no realy reason as to why the shouldn't except if your load would exceed the range certification.

    The law will not alow you to use a 12 bore cartridge with a solid 'rifled slug' but allows you to muzzle load seperate powder and ball. a quick check with the NRA or MLAGB will confirm.

    Pyrodex is very corrosive and will need a lot of scrubbing out, 777 is not as corrosive and is designed to be washed out with cold water, cleaning is a lot easier. Both give you bang for your bucks, 777 produces a lot more energy than pyrodex which is noticable as heat around the breach area of your gun.

    For a given load - number of grains both Pyrodex and 777 are more powerfull than blackpowder with 777 being more powerful than Pyrodex. this means that you MUST follow the down loading reduction from the proof load which will be stamped onto your barrel, normally on the underside and given in grains of Swiss 1 or other named powder. Swiss 1 being an industry standard powerful black powder.

    I use black powder by choice in a Brown Bess as mine is a flintlock I had issues with igniting a main charge of Pyrodex or 777, but with a percussion cap you should have no such problem.

    you can order either Pyrodex or 777 from Henry Kranks or Pete Starley and many other good suppliers who will in the main post or courier it to you as it counts as a propellant. Black powder is a different storey as it is classed as a low explosive and meand that shipment becomes a bit of an issue so if a courier will carry it it will cost a bomb if you will forgive the pun.

    a lot will depend on were you live and shoot as to how far you have to travel to get the black stuff, you will use marginally more but the price per kilo is less unless you use Swiss 1, I pay about £20 per kilo for the stuff I use and am very happy with it.

    purchase some bore scrub solution, a decent set of cleaning rods with a couple of jags and some good absorbent cloth, old flanelette sheets are good and fairy liquid; I use the lemon flavor its better than other brands.

    a bucket to put your warm or cold water(depending on propellant) give the barrel a blast with the bore scrub run through with cloth on the jag do this a couple of times with fresh cloth, then using another change of cloth put the nipple end into the water and suction pump the water into the barrel pumping it in and out. Change the water a couple of times till its clean then use fresh water then WD 40 to dewater then oil.

    the two things I strongly recomend, one is the purchase of a Safe T unloader which is a CO2 propellant device which will blow the ball and powder out of the barrel, should you have the misfortune to put the ball in before the powder. the second is a length of dowel that fits smoothly down your barrel.

    with an unloaded gun put the dowel down the barrel and mark the dowel at the muzzle this is your unloaded guage. now load the charge and push your dowel down again mark off the charge depth, repeat when you have rammed your ball home. I suggest you use a ball with out a patch to make sure it is home. Now if you are interupted or loose concentration you can guage what point of loading you are at. also if you are unsure if a ball is seated( an absolute must) you can guage it. as you become morer experianced you will do it with your ramrod or you continue using the dowel as your rammer.

    enjoy yourself

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    20 bore shotgun cleaning kit is just right for .58 cal. You might want to get a brush, jag and mop.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Hi JD75
    muzzle loaders are great fun to shoot. One year ago I did not have any now I have 3 and a black power breach loader on the way. If I was you I would do
    an internet search on gun clubs near you, and see if you can have a look.
    Thats how I got started. Have fun

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    Just a small point metioned by flashinthe pan.

    He mentions using Fairy Liquid. According to more experienced muzzleloaders than I, most detergents have salt in them to make them froth up.

    I have always used Stardrops, which I believe, has no salt added, and reduces the possibility of salt corrosion if any moisture is left behind, or gets under the woodwork.

    Could be wrong but it might be worth looking into.

    If you want blackpowder you will need an explosive licence from you FEO and an RCA document to transport it. The RCA you get from the Health and Safety Executive in Liverpool.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2008

    Thumbs up Fairy liquid

    Hi enfield2band
    Re Fairy Liquid that’s a point, I hadn't considered added salts.

    I changed from Tesco's own after one of the guy at the club mentioned about somebody losing the blueing off of their re-blued pistol which was left to soak in a strong washing up detergent. I was recommended to use Fairy and have done ever since, I cant say I have noticed any problems with it but after a washing out I have followed the advice I was given to really flush out the detergent then de-water using WD40 before oiling, but I will look into it.


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