Quote Originally Posted by Target Bunny View Post
Jim said that jan once won an award for shooting a sausage. He did not elicidate, BUT, ????

Target Bunny
Yes, that's a true story, Jim! She did it with an arrow, fired from a longbow. It was at an event sponsored by the SCA - Society for Creative Anachronism, a medieval and Renaissance reenactment group: which is where we met, in March 2000.

After our for-real wedding in January 2001, we had a 1580's SCA wedding in March of that year. I grew a beard for that occasion - purely as a prop for the wedding - and just never got around to shaving it off.

Anyway...the rules of the archery event required each archer to shoot one arrow, in turn, at a piece of sausage mounted on a target. Everyone missed, then Jan nailed the sausage, and won the event.
