Donation confirmation
Thank you - your donation of £20.00 has been successful.

Because you gave Gift Aid consent, Help for Heroes can reclaim an additional £5.64 to add to your donation. If you are a higher rate tax payer you can also reclaim £5.00 – please keep a copy of this confirmation for your tax records.

We have sent you an email confirming receipt of your donation. If you have any questions, please quote these numbers:

Bmycharity Reference: 79222074-c1b1-416d-9129-f8add26b47e0

Bank Reference: 24-8-786992

Donating online with Bmycharity is the most efficient way to support Help for Heroes. Our automated donation processing helps minimise the administrative cost of fundraising so every donation goes further in helping the work of Help for Heroes.

View the fundraising page to see how much difference your donation has made.

One donation receipt.
Rug will be on its way shortly Steve.
