Norica Killers, what a name.
Do they live up to it.
To do that they need to be accurate, no argument.
If they don't hit the mark the're out & gone.
Er, jury is still out, I've only shot them through one air rifle & they didn't score too well so I'll just er on the side of caution.
If they score in your rifle then perhaps the Norica Killers are the ones for you.
They need to penetrate, not over penetrate.
Easy one. I'll just say I'm happy on that score, yep they go in & don't come out of the other side.
To make the most of the name Norica Killers need to expand to beat a good dome that's equal in accuracy & penetration.
Er, er, many didn't expand, sort of squashed up a bit, bit like a dome then, yes but these pellets are sooooooooo nice & shiney shiney, more of a bullit shape, middle weight sort of thing & looking oh so shiney & pretty & shiney, I like them.
But are Norica Killers in fact a killer.
Well If they smack into a bit of resistance they blow out into a spectacular Ninja Death Star, WWWOOOOOWWWWWWWW, pretty & shiney & they explode into pretty shiney shinies.
Er, only the once but I've heard of others being impressed when they've been plinking & the pellet instead of turning into a cornflake turned into deadly Ninja Death Stars, pretty cool eh.
So, I summerise, I like them to look at, I like them very much to look at.
Will I hunt with them.
Norica Killers, bit of a let down when all the score cards are in to total up.