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Thread: holster problems :mad:

  1. #1
    race rabbit Guest

    holster problems :mad:

    got a small problem the holster i brought is too tight for my bretta does anyone know how i can ease it up a bit
    it almost fits but i have to draw by taking the holster off !! can anyone help pleased ?

  2. #2
    clubshot Guest


    Sounds if its the wrong Holster.

    What is the Holster made off ?
    Make & Model Number ?

    Also with Beretta's , there are different models, each having it's own holster
    Web site & Bulletin for PP Pistol Shooting.


  3. #3
    race rabbit Guest
    lol its a bretta 92fs the co2 pistol and its suposed to be the right holster its just too tight is there anyway of eazing a holster .oh and its a safariland one
    Last edited by race rabbit; 30-12-2004 at 10:42 PM. Reason: bad spelling

  4. #4
    Mohawk Guest

    Wink If it's Leather then !

    You can make a wooden plug just slightly larger than the gun, I assume its gripping around the barrel/foresight area. Draw around the gun on a suitable piece of wood & jig/band saw it out !

    Now soak the holster in cold water for a few hours & then shake off the ecess water & fit the plug. Leave to dry naturally, do not use heat, like a radiator or anything. You should now have a slightly stretched holster. Oil it once it is fully dried to keep it supple.

    Chris W.

  5. #5
    Jackel's Avatar
    Jackel is offline Welding guru and moderator to the stars
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    Nov 2004
    Sunny saltburn n/e coast
    if it just needs easing loose a tad either just keep working it with the gun or try a product called shoe stretch??? get it from most shoe repairs just a clear liquid brushed on and it eases the leather up a couple of mill i justed in on a pair of boots that were nipping me worked fine
    The impossible I do immediately, miracles take 24 hours..


  6. #6
    Landswehr Guest
    For what it’s worth (and don’t ask me why I know this because I’m not admitting a thing ) but back in the days of the American Wild West, gunfighters would contour their holsters to their pistols with enormous care, to ensure the gun came free very easily with no snagging and yet held the gun firmly.

    The way they did this was to strip the gun of the working parts and encase the gun frame and cylinder in a waterproofing grease. They would then insert the gun into the leather holster before immersing the whole thing in a rainwater butt for a day.

    When removed, the leather would be very pliable and would have assumed the shape of the gun. Further kneading and manual reshaping would be carried out at this point, the gun dried, re-greased and replaced in the holster and the whole caboodle left to dry naturally, after which it would be oiled and polished.

    Once dry, the leather would be hard once more and would be a perfect fit for its occupant.

  7. #7
    race rabbit Guest
    thanks ill try the shoe stretch thing first
    cant try anything else yet broke my bretta's front forsight now

  8. #8
    fanjules Guest
    I have the same pistol knocking about somewhere, and the holster I bought with it (which was meant to fit according to shop) was fairly tight fit too... can't remember exactly but I think it almost tried to cock itself when sliding it in. Pulling it out was always a two handed jobbie!

    I purchased a number of other pistols and holsters later, and one of those holsters fitted it better (sorry, can't remember which one exactly!). I'm not surprised the front foresight has broke, the pistol in question isn't hugely strong and tends to fall apart / loosen itself after a while, although the quality of the castings and machined parts themselves are reasonable enough.

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