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Thread: remington 700 SPS Tactical .223

  1. #16
    Join Date
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    haha cheers bud,

    hows your remy 700 hunting coming along? you found any yet worth considering?


  2. #17
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    just missed a 700 police ,c/w bases and rings £550 .
    still looking. Got a semi auto shogun to move on to add to the remmy fund .
    Acta non Verba

  3. #18
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    bet your gutted mate, the police models are nice to, and with bases and rings for that price you must be gutted.


  4. #19
    Ruger_shooter's Avatar
    Ruger_shooter is offline Meadowlark Lemon's Personal Tailor
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    Enjoyed your review and your videos

  5. #20
    tigman is offline Beaten by the sweary filter
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    just having a quick watch now - that mod is quiet on your vids
    Family fun day event in Calne Wiltshire 2012
    Wincanton Arms Fair 9th Sept 2012 space for 600 stall's, parking upto 12,000
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  6. #21
    Join Date
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    thanks ruger-shooter, there will be more videos to come soon so keep an eye out

    yeah the mod is really quiet in the videos tigman, dont know if the phone or camera dulls down the actual noise cos it is fractionally louder in the field.


  7. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by bunny-sniper View Post
    2moro i shall be going to do some rabbit shooting with the remy

    i will be doing some videos on this hunt, ill put up some links when there up.

    cheers craig
    me also , really pleased with it , bunny ?? 223 my feo fox only big no no for vermin , let me know bet they will vanish when hit lol

  8. #23
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    mill drop out to 500m

    does anyone have a rough idea of the bullet drop in mills over the effective range the .223's ur using?

    by the way nice u tube vids.

  9. #24
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    i dont know what it is in mills but i got the number of clicks it takes for me to shoot out to 500m with 69gn SMK, travelling around 2750FPS

    100M = ZERO
    200M =6 CLICKS OR 1.2 MOA
    300M = 20 CLICKS OR 5 MOA
    500 M 55 CLICKS 0R 1 FULL TURN OF THE TURRET PLUS 1.2 MOA, but im not sure how much MOA adjustment you have on your scope.

    hope that helps mate


  10. #25
    laity is offline Dumb “Platinum” Blonde
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    I bought one of these , an SPS stainless and to be honest i was not sure about the .223 flavour as my last gun was a pile of rubbish and put me off completely.....BUT i took the plunge and went for it and to be honest its the best thing i ever did. The gun is spot on and more accurate than you can imagine. The groups at 200 yards ( that's my zero) are out of this world. I love this gun!! I am going to learn how to reload now to try and make this set up even better which i doubt can be done

    I love this Remmi, its an amazing set up and did not cost the earth unlike the AR i had!

    Lots and lots of guns !

  11. #26
    Hellequin's Avatar
    Hellequin is offline I used to be indecisive.....
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    A good review this, it gave me the extra encouragement needed to sell my Browning A-bolt and buy a Remy Tactical.

    I bought mine second hand and it came fitted with a stock from a Remy Varmint, a Ken Farrell rail & custom bolt handle. I've also had my RFD gunsmith fit a Timney trigger which is lovely and smooth, set at just over 2.5lb pull weight. Yesterday was my first chance to get out and try it and so far I absolutley love it. The A-bolt was a nice little rifle but for whatever reason I just couldn't get on with it (despite it posting some decent groups) and the Remy feels so much better to shoot for me.

    I know that it will likely prefer heavier ammo with the 1:9 twist but I already had 3 boxes of Hornady Superformance V-Max 53gr so wanted to give them a go first. I boresighted before I went out and was surprised to find it needed no adjustment whatsoever, which was a first for me! I always zero by shooting off front & rear bags (on the car bonnet) and this consisted of 3 shots at 50yds to get on target and a further 3 at 100yds to fine tune at 1.5" high. I then shot two 5-shot groups at that range of 1" & 0.75" respectively before going out to 200yds. I needed a single click up on the Zeiss to get on zero but then did a further two groups of 5 shots each which were just under 2". The second group had 4 shots within 1" but I pulled the last one... Doh!

    The groups so far are nowt spectacular but remember this is 53gr factory ammo. I'll be trying something around the 60gr mark soon to see how that shoots and at some point will look to reload my own to really get the best out of the rifle. All in all though, I'm very happy with the Tactical for my fox shooting and should really have bought one of these in the first place.
    Last edited by Hellequin; 29-01-2012 at 10:54 PM.

  12. #27
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    You're doing better with your SPS Tactical than I am.. I can't get it to group well at all...!

    I bought it a couple of years ago, took off the Houge stock and bolted it on to a Choate "Ultimate Sniper" stock, with an Optik 9-32x50 scope.

    I started shooting it with factory (American Eagle) 55gn, couldn't get better than 1/2 inch at 25 yds, tried 62 gn, no difference.
    Tried Privi Partizan 69 gn, they were slightly better. Tried handloading with Varget, found 24.7 gn to be the best behind some Privi 69gn heads but even so, still not the accuracy I expected from this rifle. At 50 yds best group was 1/2 to 3/4 inch.

    At several points I've wondered if its just me being cr@p, but with my CZ varmint .22lr I can get 1-hole groups at 25yds, so its either the rifle or ammo.

    I wonder if its got a rough bore, as at one point the accuracy REALLY went... I couldn't hit a barn if I was inside it...! researching it and everything pointed to copper fouling, even thought I routinely give it a clean after each range outing.

    I spent a couple of hours cleaning with KG12, KG2, and normal bore cleaner, and the next time I went to the range it was shooting much better, but still about 1/2 inch at 25 yds.

    I've now run out of Varget so I'm trying H335, and 22.5 gn is showing promise, but I'm still generally disappointed in the accuracy... its certainly nothing as accurate as yours...

    I'm very tempted to get rid of it and get a Steyr AUG Z...

    Last edited by Daryll; 02-04-2012 at 06:19 PM.

  13. #28
    Hellequin's Avatar
    Hellequin is offline I used to be indecisive.....
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    Quote Originally Posted by Daryll View Post
    You're doing better with your SPS Tactical than I am.. I can't get it to group well at all...!

    I bought it a couple of years ago, took off the Houge stock and bolted it on to a Choate "Ultimate Sniper" stock, with an Optik 9-32x50 scope.

    I started shooting it with factory (American Eagle) 55gn, couldn't get better than 1/2 inch at 25 yds, tried 62 gn, no difference.
    Tried Privi Partizan 69 gn, they were slightly better. Tried handloading with Varget, found 24.7 gn to be the best behind some Privi 69gn heads but even so, still not the accuracy I expected from this rifle. At 50 yds best group was 1/2 to 3/4 inch.

    At several points I've wondered if its just me being cr@p, but with my CZ varmint .22lr I can get 1-hole groups at 25yds, so its either the rifle or ammo.

    I wonder if its got a rough bore, as at one point the accuracy REALLY went... I couldn't hit a barn if I was inside it...! researching it and everything pointed to copper fouling, even thought I routinely give it a clean after each range outing.

    I spent a couple of hours cleaning with KG12, KG2, and normal bore cleaner, and the next time I went to the range it was shooting much better, but still about 1/2 inch at 25 yds.

    I've now run out of Varget so I'm trying H335, and 22.5 gn is showing promise, but I'm still generally disappointed in the accuracy... its certainly nothing as accurate as yours...

    I'm very tempted to get rid of it and get a Steyr AUG Z...

    That is pretty poor accuracy Daryll, it must be bloody frustrating for you mate. Not wanting to state the obvious but have you checked the crown?

    My Tactical is now in a Bell & Carson stock which has transformed the handling and improved the accuracy further. I don't reload my own at present so am still using the Hornady factory ammo but it seems to really like the 53gr Superformance, so much so I've not bothered trying owt else yet; I've had genuine 1/2 inch groups at 200 yards off the bags on the bonnet of my car. The conditions were near perfectly flat calm but I was still impressed considering this was with factory ammo!

    I've just put the rifle up for sale as my fox shooting has dropped right off, but to be honest I'm considering keeping it and joining a club for some target shooting. I think it'd do well at longer ranges, especially if I worked up a good home load.


  14. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by Daryll View Post
    You're doing better with your SPS Tactical than I am.. I can't get it to group well at all...!

    I bought it a couple of years ago, took off the Houge stock and bolted it on to a Choate "Ultimate Sniper" stock, with an Optik 9-32x50 scope.

    I started shooting it with factory (American Eagle) 55gn, couldn't get better than 1/2 inch at 25 yds, tried 62 gn, no difference.
    Tried Privi Partizan 69 gn, they were slightly better. Tried handloading with Varget, found 24.7 gn to be the best behind some Privi 69gn heads but even so, still not the accuracy I expected from this rifle. At 50 yds best group was 1/2 to 3/4 inch.

    At several points I've wondered if its just me being cr@p, but with my CZ varmint .22lr I can get 1-hole groups at 25yds, so its either the rifle or ammo.

    I wonder if its got a rough bore, as at one point the accuracy REALLY went... I couldn't hit a barn if I was inside it...! researching it and everything pointed to copper fouling, even thought I routinely give it a clean after each range outing.

    I spent a couple of hours cleaning with KG12, KG2, and normal bore cleaner, and the next time I went to the range it was shooting much better, but still about 1/2 inch at 25 yds.

    I've now run out of Varget so I'm trying H335, and 22.5 gn is showing promise, but I'm still generally disappointed in the accuracy... its certainly nothing as accurate as yours...

    I'm very tempted to get rid of it and get a Steyr AUG Z...


    Hi daryll

    I had the same problem with my rem 700 vsf I took it to my smith and he found a burr on the mouth of the barrell he re crowned it and shoots 1 hole groups now

    Hope this helps


  15. #30
    leadpig is offline sheet lead welder extraordinaire
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fireball 17 View Post
    Hi daryll

    I had the same problem with my rem 700 vsf I took it to my smith and he found a burr on the mouth of the barrell he re crowned it and shoots 1 hole groups now

    Hope this helps

    me and my m8 have them as well in fireball,both of them needed re crowning

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