changed my mind and sent him this email ...

"To be honest I don’t appreciate being patronised so obviously. I wouldn’t call a 70 mile round trip to have my time wasted by you ‘little’, particularly since I changed my arrangements to accommodate you. Nor did I appreciate your embarrassing attempt to give me £10 less than the price we’d agreed – a genuine mistake? I don’t think so. Thirdly, as you clearly don’t have legal authority to acquire or possess a black powder revolver and you knew the RFD wouldn’t be there in person, you basically invited me to break the law by accepting a payment and leaving the pistol with you. I don’t appreciate that either. You might not be clear on the letter of the law, but I am.

To this end, the pistol is no longer available. I wish you luck in your search for a suitable BP pistol."

I'd rather hand the gun in for destruction than deal with this idiot.