Quote Originally Posted by HarryPotter View Post
Awesome - neither myself or a gunsmith could loosen mine, so I sold it as is for full bore use.

Still got the fwb300 I traded you for?

To the op, sorry for going ot.
Mine just unscrewed quite easily. Bringing the lens forward did the trick. In fact you could actually keep turning it and using it to parallax right down to a few yards. Sadly not accurately enough to range with.
No, don't have the fwb any more. It just got a bit heavy for me to lug about and I prefered it to be used than sat doing nothing. Can you remember that Herman Wierauch's buddy fancied it? I forget his name. I did have tne s&b on it. I also let that Hudson bloke loose with it. He did a full strip and service abd fitted a new one piece spring. We got it to do 8fpe. I used to go round the ft course at ponty with it and did reasonably well considering the low power, the mag, the reticule, and a consumste lack of skill on my part.