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Thread: Rats on speed - Whats going wrong.

  1. #1
    Lancs Lad Guest

    Rats on speed - Whats going wrong.

    I keep on missing........why.........All gear is spot on. Im hitting 5 round groups dead centre at 10 meters, single holers. Ther I am, bedroom window scoped in on the hole in the fence pannel.

    Roland sticks his head out, breathing is fine, no shakes, rifle steady and spot on. Trigger is depressed, pop.

    Ratty ****s himself and does one. Pelet leaves a mark right where his head was on the concrete fence pannel.

    What am I doing wrong??

  2. #2
    Gary C Guest
    You're missing. Hit the rat not the post.
    Hope this helps.

  3. #3
    Lancs Lad Guest
    Why didnt I see that one comming.....

    Is it the case because Im shooting from an elevated position.?

  4. #4
    Gary C Guest
    OK serious now.
    You are missing for one of the following reasons :

    1. Hunters block. If you are shooting a springer you are gripping too tightly and so the POI is changing. Even with a PCP excitement could be kicking in.

    2. Ratty is moving

    3. if you are shooting downwards at a steep angle POI will be higher than normal but not over much at 10m as the pellet isn't affected by gravity too much.

    To check 3 - simply zero from where you are shooting on the downward angle.

    4. The rats don't exist and you are imagining them. They are ghost rats and you will never hit one because they don't exist. My shooting buddy Maxwell suffers from this. tragic plus harmless.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2001
    Most probably, recheck your poi form the elevated position and adjust as required.

  6. #6
    Lancs Lad Guest
    Its not 1, have a good grip, but nothing to tight. Shooting a Daystate Harrier X2 so it aint a recoil thing.

    2 I thought that this might be the case but didnt think that ratty would shift as quickly as they do when the round goes off, using a logun silencer so there aint much of a pop. Im holding off till ratty is nice and still, even looking down the barrel and into my scope with its beedy eyes.

    3 - Was thinking that this might be the issue. Will have a check.

    4 - Will apply after 3 is sorted.....

    Cheers for your help.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    if you are shooting 0.177 the pellet might be going right through ratty and he won't die istantly, especially at that range!

  8. #8
    Lancs Lad Guest
    Nope, that aint it,,,,,,,,Im shooting .22.

    No blood splat or anything...Having never shot a rat Im not to sure how they react.

    Is it a straight kill. Im shooting right next to the hole in the fence. should I let em get out a bit.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    when ratty sticks his head out he is looking for danger so prob at his wariest. If you get a bit of mushed up catfood or dog food and put it maybe 2 feet from the hole and let him come out, when he is stationery blast him. the mushed food cannot be grabbed and taken away so easily, so he has to stay for a bit longer than normal. try that

  10. #10
    Gary C Guest
    10 yards rested you should be able to hit a rats head if the rifle is zero'd properly.

    Re-zero the rifle at 10 yards.

    A lot of people think shooting close is easier. Is it ****** because the pellet is rising at a relatively steep angle and a slight change in range will make a massive difference, especially if you are zeroed at 10 yards. Zero from the bedroom on the gap.

    Let a couple go and see what they do. If you bait by the hole they may stop but they do tend to poke their head out, back in, then bolt so you may not be able to leave them.

    2nd problem is over-penetration. If you are determined to do body shots a hollow pellet or a wadcutter will be better at 10 yards.

  11. #11
    Lancs Lad Guest
    Been using trout pellets about 1ft away from his hole. Will have to move it away,,,,,,,not too sure if the wife will be happy about mushed up cat food in the garden.......

    Or using the liquidiser......maybe a plate of anchovy extract and fish oil will do.

  12. #12
    Simon Smith Guest
    I had a rat problem and was shooting them at the same sort of range or closer, I initially found it very difficult to hit them so close, and when I did the pellet passed straight through the skull and they ran off

    I then started using the Walther underlever (CO2, open sights, low power) and had much more success. I think the S410 was too powerful at that range to kill them instantly.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Apr 2001
    Was shooting some rats over the xmas break in a derelict barn. If you shoot them in the head as they emerge, what can happen is that they recoil for a second and then reemerge as the back leg spasms take hold and they kick themselves out of the hole. Another useless anecdote.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Yeovil/Moreton in Marsh
    You need to check your POI from the sniping position you are shooting from. Get a lump of plastacine or playdough or similar and put right next to rolands exit. shoot at it and see if your POI is where you think it is.

    If thyis is spot on, and you are very short range, I think over penetration may well be an issue even in .22 !

    Try wadcutters and heavy grain pellets or those with the concave noses (or both) but be sure to repeat your POI test.

    are you shooting in daylight, dusk or in the dark and if dusk/dark - how are you illuminating them.

    It could be your POI is changing as the light level falls. This was certainly a very noticeable thing when I shot archery bows - as the light fades the POI dropped. However, this may be peculiar to bows. Until you test it you wont know.

    Pellets will allow the rat to grab and run.

    granualar baits or baits fixed to the floor are best - try peanut butter in a lid nailed to the floor or strong pungent fishy stuff but gooey......

    Good shooting

    In a battle of wits I refuse to engage with an unarmed person.
    To one shot one kill, you need to seek the S. Kill only comes from Skill

  15. #15
    Gary C Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Steyr
    You need to check your POI from the sniping position you are shooting from. Get a lump of plastacine or playdough or similar and put right next to rolands exit. shoot at it and see if your POI is where you think it is.

    Or, you could just put a target up...

    If thyis is spot on, and you are very short range, I think over penetration may well be an issue even in .22 !

    You don't say. You could have just cut and pasted that one.

    Try wadcutters and heavy grain pellets or those with the concave noses (or both) but be sure to repeat your POI test.


    are you shooting in daylight, dusk or in the dark and if dusk/dark - how are you illuminating them.

    It could be your POI is changing as the light level falls. This was certainly a very noticeable thing when I shot archery bows - as the light fades the POI dropped. However, this may be peculiar to bows. Until you test it you wont know.

    Have you been sniffing something ? POI shift at 10 yards ? is Dicky dark dragging the pellet down ? Unless he starts shooting with a Bow and Arrow I think we can discount that one.

    Pellets will allow the rat to grab and run.

    granualar baits or baits fixed to the floor are best - try peanut butter in a lid nailed to the floor or strong pungent fishy stuff but gooey......

    Good shooting


    Now stop being a bull****ting nonce and go get my trophies there's a good boy.

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