Andy Simpson
Gary Morrison, Benchrest & Silhouette.
Ben Davies, Work Party, HFT, Benchrest & Silhouette.
Spongey HFT BR...Absolutely NO silhouette
Bob Pattenden BR+S...Absolutely NO work party
Simon Williams HFT and Benchrest
Mr John McDonald - both.
Charles Peal- Both
Stuart Peal
Jacob Peal
Nigel Buchan (both)
Robin Brown
Jon Fairman
Spencer Fairman
Graeme Cargan - the man with no gun
Steve Light
John 1
John 2
Jon Kelly - HFT + Work Party ( Might try the benchrest if a space on the day,if allowed ) Chris Tyhurst HFT + ( Might try the benchrest thingamajig subject to time on the day,if allowed ! )
Richard Chase (..... would like to be put down)