I use 24g (volume) of 777 in my 44 Remie if using Pyrodex you can use the same as.
Tried wads shop bought, and made my own from felt - see any good model shop/craft type outlet.
Also used fillers as mentioned, however all I use now is Trex - veg oil based over the balls, you can mix in beeswax to make it a tad thicker. I got this from a US Cowboy Action Shooting website. The American's have a different name for Trex can't remember what they call it, but same thing.
Friend of mine always likes a big bang magnum rounds etc at max uses 30g (volume) of 777 in his Remie and gets good results, this I would say is the max and convey out of interest.

Pyrodex when used, you need to clean your gun pretty sharpish or you will get corrosion. Also 777 more user friendly when it comes to cleaning your pistol.

777 is about 20% more powerful than B/P or Pyrodex .