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Thread: Applying Gold Leaf On Engraving

  1. #1
    MANXIE Guest

    Question Applying Gold Leaf On Engraving

    Hi everyone

    Has anyone applied gold/silver leaf to cylinder engraving on there air gun?

    What is the best preperation before applying.

    cheers manxi

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Mid Wales, Machynlleth

    gold leaf

    I have applied it to steel but not engraving.
    to make it stick you need a glue, size, obviously you need to use an oil based rather than PVA. I use Japan gold size (windsor and newton) gold leaf is suprizingly cheap about £12 for a wad of 25 sheets 2" square. it come in lots of different grades and colours but two main types. Transfer which is the leaf backed on a paper sheet and Loose.
    Ive only used the transfer but I think to get into the crack of engraving you would need loose. What you do is apply the size, let it dry till it is tacky then apply the gold. if your using transfer it will peel away from the backing sticking to the surface.
    To use a loose sheet you have to pick it up with an electrostatically charged brush, ease the sheet on and then I guess in your case brush it into the cracks. Im sure it would be very easy to make a mess of it! if you want details of a supplier let me know and I can check at work tommorrow.

  3. #3
    draftsmann Guest
    I was going to say that traditional gold size is organic - albumen or gum arabic based - and not ideal for use on steel. I didn't know there was an oil based alternative.

    The cheat's solution, Mark, is Plasticote enamel. £2.60 or so from B&Q, quick-drying, synthetic, easy to apply and looks good (I have used the "antique gold" version to renovate old plaster mirror and picture frames to good effect).


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2001
    Winchester, UK
    For enhancing worn lettering, I find a 'Pilot' Gold Marker - Extra Fine Point Code:SC-G-EF works well.
    It is important to allow any lettering to dry thoroughly before removing any overspill with a rubber.

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