I popped in to Holts in Hammersmith on Wednesday night to pick up a couple of items I had bought in previous auctions. I had a stroll round the viewing room (always dangerous) and had a brief oggle of the above mentioned rifle.

The rifle was short, light and very, very well made. You pushed a button at the back of the receiver and a block flips over to reveal the breach of each barrel. Finished off with a tiny 1980s japanese scope. It must have been sat in a case somewhere since it was made.. not a mark on it.

A search on google leads me to the Skan website which states that 25 were made by Skan in the 1980s. Has anyone ever had a go with one of these? I imagine regulating the two barrels must have been a nightmare.

Its estimate was £2.5-3k and it didn't sell.
