So yesterday I'm getting peeved at the damned magpies, rooks and squirrels raiding the feeders on the trees near my office (down the bottom of the garden) . . . as it's a garden area with no safe backstop I couldn't shoot them and can't keep getting up and opening the window to request them to far-cough, as it were, so looked around for a deterrent that I could use and not scare the other birds in the garden . . . . so I grabbed a green laser pointer and tried disturbing them with it . . . strangely enough the rooks seemed oblivious (as are rabbits and squirrels) but the magpies were intrigued by the green spot and I had two of them chasing up and down the garden trying to snatch it . . . . you can guess where this is going can't you . . .

. . . today I grabbed my .25 Falcon Prairie with the green laser and brought it with me to work . . . and every time there's a magpie on the feeders or on the fence I've enticed them down onto the lawn to chase the green spot and over to where there's a safe backstop and, well there's 5 less magpies in the village so far today.

So if you've a laser (presume red will work also) and you want to entice a maggie down onto the ground for a nice clean and safe shot, just make the dot dance enticingly near the tree they're in and get ready for some action.