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  1. #46
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    I wasn't baiting magpies your honour.........the rabbit had been inciting treason and was hung drawn and quartered according the the same ridiculous outdated laws that make you wear that dress and wig
    "But we have our own dream and our own task. We are with Europe, but not of it. We are linked, but not comprised. We are interested and associated, but not absorbed."
    Winston Churchill 1930

  2. #47
    Parabuteo is offline My Chrony has bought it a couple of times...
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    Quote Originally Posted by Raygun View Post
    I still have problems with (a) demonstrating other methods of deterrence when also feeding, and (b) given the stance of the RSPB, demonstrating you are protecting a species when that protection isn't required (according to the RSPB).

    I expect we have to make our decision and then hope it's good enough to satisfy any questioners should that situation arise.

    It is a mess Ray, but as Gary (?) pointed out, why have a protection of wild birds clause if it can never be exercised? far as I remember the RSPB dont make the laws, so as long as we can prove...but that is the whole point of this thread I guess.

    Personally (and I have supported them in the past) I dont hold dear with the RSPB any more.

    I dont think they really understand conservation, or the need to control pests, not unlike English nature when it suits them

    Some of the best birdwatching and nature friendly areas are on shooting estates where the pests are managed...can that be a coincidence?
    I'm a maggot in another life you know

  3. #48
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    Quote Originally Posted by Parabuteo View Post
    It is a mess Ray, but as Gary (?) pointed out, why have a protection of wild birds clause if it can never be exercised? far as I remember the RSPB dont make the laws, so as long as we can prove...but that is the whole point of this thread I guess.

    Personally (and I have supported them in the past) I dont hold dear with the RSPB any more.

    I dont think they really understand conservation, or the need to control pests, not unlike English nature when it suits them

    Some of the best birdwatching and nature friendly areas are on shooting estates where the pests are managed...can that be a coincidence?
    Exactly so regards the RSPB.

    Cats kill at least 55,000,000 birds every year and a further minimum of 220,000,000 other animals (mainly mice and voles).

    Do they immediately demand the restriction in the number of cats as domestic pets?
    They are funded by so-called animal lovers who would be as appalled at the idea of not being allowed to own a cat as they are of people justifiably shooting magpies.

    Don't look for answers from the RSPB or the much worse RSPCA - I once upon a time thought, as a young ornithologist, that the RSPB was respectable. I was wrong.

  4. #49
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    Reading through the thread I thought I better make it clear that I hold no brief for either the RSPB or the RSPCA.

    It did however remind me of an event that happened a few years ago.

    I was going to help out on a BASC Young Shots day that was being held at Leighton Hall. I missed my directions and pulled into what I thought was a Gate House to the Estate. Going in to the building entrance I asked the people inside where the shoot was being held.
    I was in fact in the RSPB's Leighton Moss Bird Sanctuary. They were not impressed and I made a hasty retreat


  5. #50
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    Kloppville- 10,533 miles from Lake Mulwala.
    Quote Originally Posted by Matou View Post
    I moved the feeders last night to the other end of the garden - as per Ray's advice, so they're about 50 metres away now and far out of sight from where I work in my office.


    Question - am I cleared legally to shoot any corvid that attempts to gain entry to the nesting boxes (thus protecting these birds), or is that deemed pre-baiting in putting up the boxes in the first place ?? I have one row of 5 boxes (blue tits and 1 wren family) cited with perfect angle to shoot across the fronts with a solid backdrop, so no risk of pellets striking the boxes.

    I have apple, pear and plum trees, plus raised beds for vegetables ,and blackberry, blueberry and raspberry fruiting at this time - am I equally legally entitled to protect these crops as they are for my family's consumption, or are CROPS only deemed to be over a fixed acreage size? (I don't mean can I shoot if all I have is a window box with a tomato plant, I have 9 fruit trees, and raised salad/vegetable beds, each 2 metres x 1 metre in size).

    I'm not being pedantic here - just want to ensure we are all aware of the rules of engagement and would look to advice.

    Ok....bird feeders removed!

    I also have an apple tree, a pear tree, and a cherry tree in my back garden, along with potatoes, tomatoes, chillies and strawberries, is this classed as baiting?

    Just curious like!


    If it moves.....shoot it!..If it don't move.....shoot it in case it tries to!!!
    Light travels faster than sound....this is why I appear bright until you hear me speak!!!

  6. #51
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    Hi Roy,

    Bonsai doesn't count.


  7. #52
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    Now this gentlemen is how you have a proper debate on an open forum without it being locked well done to you all.

    I was going to ask on yesterday's thread about pidgeon shooting In the garden. Are you allowed to shot them if you grow your own vegetables. But the predators aren't bothering any song birds etc. There just eating your vegetables

  8. #53
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    Quote Originally Posted by craig_goswell View Post
    Now this gentlemen is how you have a proper debate on an open forum without it being locked well done to you all.

    I was going to ask on yesterday's thread about pidgeon shooting In the garden. Are you allowed to shot them if you grow your own vegetables. But the predators aren't bothering any song birds etc. There just eating your vegetables
    I'll try again

    I would say that yes, you can shoot them (woodies) provided that the pellets do not leave your boundary. You can take for granted that other methods have been tried to dissuade the birds elsewhere. You shoot them under Licence in that they will/can damage crops elsewhere. You can eat them yourself but cannot sell them to be eaten.

    If the pigeons are ferals you have to be sure that they are causing a health hazard as you would be shooting them under a different licence. Again you have to be sure that pellets do not leave your boundary.

    I will now add a proviso that in a suburban environment you will have to be really careful or you will bring down a world of pain on yourself if someone was to report you.

    As mentioned before a bloke in Hull was shooting ferals (that a neighbour was feeding) under the relevant Licence but a pellet left his boundary (inside a bird). The neighbour complained to the Police. His rifles were seized and tested and his AT fitted PCP was running at 12.49 FPE. He got a Criminal Record, lost his rifle and had to pay costs (he got off lightly).

    All I can say is that if your going to shoot anything other than targets in your garden weigh up all the possibilities and make sure you are happy that you are complying to the law.


  9. #54
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    Kloppville- 10,533 miles from Lake Mulwala.
    Quote Originally Posted by Raygun View Post
    Hi Roy,

    Bonsai doesn't count.

    Figgin spoilsport!

    Back to throwin' rocks at 'em then!


    If it moves.....shoot it!..If it don't move.....shoot it in case it tries to!!!
    Light travels faster than sound....this is why I appear bright until you hear me speak!!!

  10. #55
    Graham2 is offline Slightly camp, makes decent chilli, and has a box of tissues and a can of 3 In 1 in the gun room
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    As mentioned before, this has actually been a rather pleasant thread to read.

    I had expected it to go Pete Tong fairly soon after it was started, but lo and behold, it was a model of how things should go on on here, without the usual name calling and toys being thrown out of the pram.

    Gentleman I salute you.

    PS, I'm off to fill a bird feeder with magpie bait!
    Not camp, Gary just wishes I were!

  11. #56
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    Quote Originally Posted by Raygun View Post

    All I can say is that if your going to shoot anything other than targets in your garden weigh up all the possibilities and make sure you are happy that you are complying to the law.

    That sums it all up IMO well said

  12. #57
    Join Date
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    Braughing - Herts, doesn't it !!!

    Could be Worse

    imagine of there was an RSPF (Royal Society for the Protection of Fish) . . . all us using groundbait would be had up before the judge for pre-baiting
    Matou: The Braughing Banger

  13. #58
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    I agree, the thread has been interesting.

    I still feel unsure about the legality of the method itself though, for the reason I stated already (not supposed to use "artificial light, mirror or dazzling device").

  14. #59
    Join Date
    May 2011
    After reading all the good posts on this thread im still non the wiser. Great debate though and i think everyone has put their point across well. This seems to be a greyish area depending on location, size of property and more importantly what the land has on it. Keep up the debate

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