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Thread: Birmingham Gun Quarter To Be Stripped Of It's Name

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2006

    Birmingham Gun Quarter To Be Stripped Of It's Name

    A report in the Bimingham Post today says that the Gun Quarter is to lose it's name and be called "St George and St Chad". This is in the name of political correctness. According to the report, Coun. Huxtable (Con. Bournville) supporting the name-stripping said, "The views of local people are quite clear. It wasn't done for political correctness". A miniscule number of people (50!) had signed a petition calling for the Gun Quarter to lose it's historic name.

    Coun. Sir Albert Bore (Lab. Ladywood) opposing the change said, "What kind of nonsense is this when we replace the 'Gun Quarter' with 'St George and St Chad'?...the Gun Quarter has a historical connection with this city." Coun. Alan Rudge (Cons. Sutton Vesey) also opposes the name-stripping, "The manufacture of guns by thousands of traders is what created this area." The Post says that Coun. Huxtable remains unrepentant.

    I am sure that many of you (undoubtedly a lot more than 50) will oppose this insulting move by Birmingham Council. Please feel free to write to them expressing your views. If anyone lives in Bourneville, perhaps you could help to remove the irritating Huxtable at the next local elections. Thanks for reading.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2011

    This is ridiculous!

    I'm in the next ward along to Bournville (Northfield), think i'll write and ask Huxtable when the name of his ward is being changed from Bourneville to Kraft.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    SW Birmingham (Rubery Rednal)
    Quote Originally Posted by Muppet Paster View Post
    I think I'll write and ask Huxtable when the name of his ward is being changed from Bourneville to Kraft.
    Very good!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by Muppet Paster View Post

    This is ridiculous!

    I'm in the next ward along to Bournville (Northfield), think i'll write and ask Huxtable when the name of his ward is being changed from Bourneville to Kraft.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    We need to sign up against them doing that !
    a gun is just a tool how its used is dependant on the person behind the trigger .
    This is why constant restrictions on legal users will have no effect on the unlawfull use of guns or knives !

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Basingstoke, U.K.
    Ridiculous political correctness, or rather Looney Left as it used to be known.

    Not content with building over the area, more of our history gone for no reason at all. Even the otherwise excellent Black Country museum has very little on the old Gun Quarter, which helped to form this once great country of ours.

    What can you do? If anyone has any suggestions, we'll gladly support a campaign.


  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2010

    PC ...Correctness Has the Birmingham Council Gone Mad....Are they Going To Rename the Jewellery Quarter as Well ...Why just pick on the Gun Quarter...The shame of it is there is hardly any of it remaining..


  8. #8
    edbear2 Guest
    would have added more but only allowed 13 of these!.......words fail me.......

  9. #9
    edbear2 Guest

    Some contact details, and he does bookface or whatever, so a polite comment may be in order to show this is more than a local issue to many.

  10. #10
    Hsing-ee's Avatar
    Hsing-ee is offline may also be employed in conjunction with a drawn reciprocation dingle arm, to reduce sinusoidal repleneration
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    We have Grenade Street in my neighbourhood because that is where they used to make the grenades for the ye olde redcoated Royal Marines to go out and protect the shipping lanes of the British Empire. Maybe that will become Grenadine Street one day after the fruit with the pips....

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Basingstoke, U.K.
    Quote Originally Posted by edbear2 View Post

    Some contact details, and he does bookface or whatever, so a polite comment may be in order to show this is more than a local issue to many.
    Thanks Eddie,
    Email sent to this councillor and I managed to keep it clean, despite my blood pressure boiling the top of my head off!


  12. #12
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    City of London
    Arsenal FC is soon to be renamed Highbury Emirates FC and its cannon trademark replaced with a white feather.
    Vintage Airguns Gallery
    ..Above link posted with permission from Gareth W-B
    In British slang an anorak is a person who has a very strong interest in niche subjects.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Feb 2001
    Winchester, UK
    Another pathetic little tosser who would rather live under mediocrity, than remember our proud heritage.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Apr 2005

    Gun Quarter to be renamed

    The "Black Country" is to be renamed the "Tanned Country" to avoid offending most of the population...


  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Basingstoke, U.K.
    We received the attached response from Councillor Huxtable, to an email I sent last night. Could it be our wonderful media have it wrong?

    "Dear John and Josie Milewski

    With regard to your recent email over the "renaming" of the Gun Quarter, as
    you can see from the map/diagram below, which will be page 82 of the Big
    City Plan,

    the historic Gun Quarter is included in, and continues to be part of, the
    much larger/wider area of St George & St Chad's, which incorporates an area
    much bigger than the historic Gun Quarter (i.e. out to the ring road at New
    John Street West) and more accurately reflects the entire area rather than
    just one section of the area.

    No signposts referring to the "Gun Quarter" are being changed nor any other
    changes (such as to the Gun Quarter Controlled Parking Zone) are being made
    as BCC still recognises the historic Gun Quarter, just as BCC still
    recognise the Chinese and Irish Quarters, even though no areas within the
    Big City Plan (see page 11) are large enough to carry these names.

    What we are doing, as we have done elsewhere in the 'Big City Plan' is to
    include quarters within larger areas. Thus the 'Chinese Quarter' is
    included as part of the "Southside and Highgate" area (see page 60 of the
    Big City Plan) and the 'Irish Quarter' as part of the "Digbeth" area (see
    page 57).

    I hope this sets the record straight and correct media coverage which has
    been misleading at best and inaccurate at worst.

    Yours sincerely

    Timothy Huxtable

    Councillor Timothy Huxtable
    Cabinet Member - Transport, Environment & Regeneration, BCC"

    Kind regards,

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