
Dont know where Gary got it from but my piece of paper infront of me is
cash£763.00 AND £165,00 to pick up tomorrow at Cambridge so the total is £928.00
with the £600.00 given by the draw winners this comes to a total of £1528.00 which Chris has told me is the most he has ever been given in one hit since he has been involved in the Charity Fund .
So please all those people who attended and gave so generously please give yourselves a pat on the back ,we at MAD will continue to run this event and we look forward to seeing you again next year.
We must thank Roger Lait for supplying the DRINKS at the presentation of the prizes
To all the helpers,Doppa ,The Farmer and people who gave to the raffle prizes etc etc etc and the Air gun Centre for the £600.00 of vouchers we thank you all .
cheers Ian from MAD