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Thread: Sihft Beano

  1. #1
    Mog is offline Mog has so much potential but does not apply himself fully.
    Join Date
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    St Hilaire du Harcouët, Lower Normandy/East Sussex

    Sihft Beano

    Thanks to Biggles and all at The Swallows for todays shoot. The chalk targets were a great idea, haven't laughed so much for ages.
    Truttemer Tir Club

    Liberté, Égalité, Fraternité

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    I would second what Charles (Coxsedge) said - a really well thought out fun day - even better when you win stuff!!

    Terry's pictures should be on the attached link...
    OAKS - SIHFT Winners 2011, [SIZE=4][COLOR="#FF0000"] 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2015, 2023

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2010


    We enjoyed the day, a BIG THANK YOU to all for getting the SIHFT dates worked out in record time.

    Laugh about the chalk targets I cried and cried. (does not perform well under pressure kneeling).

    Sh1t that was bad, glad Gary's a big bloke and has broad shoulders

    WELL DONE THE OAKS, we will be looking to take it back next year, if not too many kneeling shots.
    "If you are not living on the edge you are taking up too much room!."

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Nr Worthing, W Sussex
    I meant to say a big thank you to Swallows today but I was feeling pretty cr@p, with the tail end of some 'orrid cold/sore throaty thing, plus having stacked my car yesterday (into the back of a prat who undertook me and swung into my lane as we were all braking) didn't help.

    Despite all that I had a great time, but couldn't shoot for toffee. Must have another go at that chalk disc game, that was amazing, nice one Biggs and Swallows.

    Here's to next years SIHFT!

    Welll done to everyone who took part and made it such fun - and well done Oakies!

    You come into this world with nothing, go out in debt and you've made a profit

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2011

    Sihft Beano

    Well done to The Swallows for an excellant venue. What a great way to end the Sihft! Looking forward to shooting in it again next year.


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2007
    In a road in Horsham,West Sussex
    Thanks to all the people who made today what it was. Excellent way to finish the SiHFT calender for this year.
    Special thanks to Terry for the loan of the springer for the day & to Tony who was going to lend me his Steyr

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    portslade near brighton
    Thankyou Swallows for a great prize giving bash!
    Well thought out and a real laugh...lots of 'P' taking (just as it should be...did feel sorry for the first guy that shot the discs alone....he looked crap...untill others had a go!!)
    Very hard under pressure, with every miss raising the pulse just a tad more!

    So 'The Oaks' won SIHFT...the speed shoot, what about the days HFT/SFT...thingy?..

    Thankyou to all my lads for bringing home the Trophy to stay!
    (Think Buxted had a special type face made up for our name on the plaque..)

    See you at Buxted next week i believe for the BIG open!
    SIHFT Winners 2011 - 2012 - 2013 - AND 2014....2015..2016...oh look back at green...running out of colours! Ha!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    Mile Oak :) Brighton
    Brilliant end to the series!
    Big thankyou to swallows!
    Chalk targets were fun (minus the bean bag ) I would like to see that become a regular feature?
    The OAKS
    SIHFT WINNERS 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015 and 2016

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    portslade near brighton
    Quote Originally Posted by si7777777 View Post
    Brilliant end to the series!
    Big thankyou to swallows!
    Chalk targets were fun (minus the bean bag ) I would like to see that become a regular feature?
    Brave man!
    Gotta agree though!! ...As a Cumberland Sausage i know said "it should be made compulsory!"
    Wonder how much they are?...Mikey?
    SIHFT Winners 2011 - 2012 - 2013 - AND 2014....2015..2016...oh look back at green...running out of colours! Ha!

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2008

    The Beano

    Everything that all the above said, and more, Swallows put on a really unique day, great fun, can't wait for next season, Terry/xx
    Professional MISSER
    "THE OAKS"

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Buxted County HFT Republic of Crowzilla Sussex
    Glad you all had a great day, sorry I missed it.

    Spongey its not a special type face its just your eyes are failing like the rest of you.

    I did laugh when I saw it or didn't though.

    Buxted HFT Garage Guns are Us. Home of Crowzilla Doppers doughnut corner and SiHFT winners 2007 2008 2009 2010 2017 2018 2019.

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    portslade near brighton
    SIHFT Winners 2011 - 2012 - 2013 - AND 2014....2015..2016...oh look back at green...running out of colours! Ha!

  13. #13
    Join Date
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    Newhaven, Sussex (someone's got to live here)
    Many thanks for the many thanks and plaudits, chaps.

    Needs to be recorded that the woodland course was set, with little by way of prior planning, by Alan (not with us today), young Eli and Dave as well as yours truly.

    Of course, the day would not have been what it was without our resident chef and cheffete - Mike and Kerry - and with help all round from Chairman Gerry plus Tracy (who pretended to be Dan for a while and took sufficient of his shots to perhaps persuade her that she is plenty good enough to shoot more often ) and the 'children' - Toby, Josh and Dan. Good to see Jack too, out with his camera round the course. I'm sure we'll see his images soon.

    Sorry for the one brief halt - when our local game shoot manager forgot we were there today and parked his truck and kids in the risk area. He did apologise

    After slight concern when we were hit by a heavier shower just ahead of the briefing , weren't we lucky with the weather too. Just as well it turned out so pleasant, enabling us to watch - for much longer than I had anticipated - people trying to knock a few chalk targets off the boards Pleased to learn that you enjoyed the chalk target cross-fire contest; for me this was something of a trip down memory lane, harking back to schooldays when we used to do exactly the same but with .22LRs at 25 yards. Good fun, eh?!

    See you all again soon - perhaps - either at the Buxted Open, or for 'fun and spooks' at the Oaks (29th) or Ford on the 30th

    Rapid MkII .22, AA400C .177, AA MPR .177, AA Prosport .177, AA TX200, AA FTP900, HW75 .177, HW45 Silver Star .22, and my dear ol' Webley Ranger .177 (circa 1966) Mile Oak - WEB SITE Air Arms HFT Team member

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Sep 2011

    thanks swallows

    Damn nobody said anything about chalk targets afterwards would have liked to have oh well , well shift work is a pain had to shoot off. Thanks to all for the shoot lot of fun and cheers to rob and mike from the oaks for letting us join them around the course
    cheers guys

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    portslade near brighton
    Quote Originally Posted by greenjacket4366 View Post
    Damn nobody said anything about chalk targets afterwards would have liked to have oh well , well shift work is a pain had to shoot off. Thanks to all for the shoot lot of fun and cheers to rob and mike from the oaks for letting us join them around the course
    cheers guys
    It was fun going round with you my friend...not too easy with a Boinger was it!
    (The bbs skin/version has changed for me....looks quite sophisticated...mind you i do have the 'Funky Fresh' skin!)

    SIHFT Winners 2011 - 2012 - 2013 - AND 2014....2015..2016...oh look back at green...running out of colours! Ha!

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