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Thread: Never seen this before.

  1. #16
    Hsing-ee's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Troubledshooter View Post
    The tin shown in the picture linked in the OP, has just been sold for £60 + £3.95 postage.
    Its a lovely tin though. If Webley had used lettering like that on its guns and had put a decent trigger and a breech bolt on the Vulcan in 1979 then they would still be making rifles in Birmingham.....

  2. #17
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Troubledshooter View Post
    The tin shown in the picture linked in the OP, has just been sold for £60 + £3.95 postage.

    Gareth was spot on with his valuation.

    Founder & ex secretary of Rivington Riflemen.

  3. #18
    Gareth W-B's Avatar
    Gareth W-B is offline Retired Mod & Airgun Anorak Extraordinaire
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    Quote Originally Posted by I. J. View Post

    Gareth was spot on with his valuation.

    Glad to've been able to help, my good friend -- now armed, as I am, with the above info however, I'm off to wallow in smug mode for an hour our ten.

    Done my bit for the BBS:… now I’m a game-keeper turned poacher.

  4. #19
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    Bimoco pellets

    Quote Originally Posted by edbear2 View Post
    As mentioned by IJ and Mr shooter, these tins were sent out with the "wrong" contents when retailer orders needed to be filled and the correct tins were not available.

    As mentioned, both the .177's and .22's came in the "opposite" colour tins (Webley for a long time used orange for .22, and green for .177 tins up to the 70's dual colour tins).

    Example of types of rectangular tins here showing variations and temporary stickers of both types.

    Various Webley tins .....the earlier types showing the Orange and Green theme regarding calibre.

    As usual, there is the exception that proves the rule or whatever.......Webley did a 200 size .177 tin in the 70's of the same graphic style as the dual coloured tins, but used orange......these are quite scarce and can fetch good money......There is an example 4th row down extreme right of this old photo .

    As to value, sometimes they slip through the radar, one of mine had the sticker inside out of sight when listed, so I got it at a knock down price, obviously the seller had no idea it would make any many people they are just tins that have been in the shed for yonks full of screws and they often get a (nice) surprise when they sell them.......another nice surprise was to get about a dozen pellet vouchers in another tin I bought, again with no mention of this in the listing. But generally, because they are thinner on the ground, the stickers can attract up to a 50% premium to a saddo like me who wants all the variations.

    That's how it starts........I was quite happy with one nice prewar wasp tin.......then I saw one with different size printing, then a screen printed one, then a London address one, then a fluted rolled one etc. etc. etc. etc.
    Hi Ed, the Bimoco pellets look alot like Bisley Carbines, And do you know a good way to stop pellets oxidising ? Atb Hw55t

  5. #20
    edbear2 Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by HW55T View Post
    Hi Ed, the Bimoco pellets look a lot like Bisley Carbines, And do you know a good way to stop pellets oxidising ? Atb Hw55t the oxidizing, there are all sorts of VCI papers available (in the 1970's Webley used a disc of this in their tins which was dual purpose, as it was also a token that could be collected and sent off for a badge). Just google VCI paper, but it can be expensive, however it is the cleanest way without "wetting" the pellets, and machine tools and engineering components are wrapped in the stuff, so it might be worth asking around at a local industrial estate if they have any odd bits........I am terrible, I will just march in anywhere and beg for stuff, as long as you are polite, and friendly, most folk overcome their initial reserve and are happy to help.

    Or just a few drops of vapour release oil, or something like Young's 303 mixed 50/50 with light oil and a tightly sealed tin will preserve pellets perfectly for generations.

    Even wd40, or say 3-1 spray will work....the most important thing is to exclude air..for example, I opened a sealed Weaman St address sealed tin a while back, these were sealed with sticky cloth tape.......and the pellets were as new after 55 + years!.......These tins did have a paper token as well, but I am unsure if it was treated in any way.

    All above said, It depends why you want to preserve them I suppose, ie. for shooting or just appearance sake......Lead, once the process starts of oxidization, can degrade alarmingly, as evidenced by these early (Untendoerffer just incorperated) RWS ball shot I have.....I will just left them to turn to dust

  6. #21
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    I am terrible, I will just march in anywhere and beg for stuff, as long as you are polite, and friendly, most folk overcome their initial reserve and are happy to help.

    I thought that was only me ! That's been my experience , too . A polite approach , smiling , sometimes with a quip ' Don't misunderstand this but I'm looking for a man ... ! ' Invariably the workshop foreman will answer your query - happy to share his knowledge . It's a truism you can only make a first impression once but this is somewhere you've got to get it right .

    Glad I'm not alone . ATVB , Mick
    When guns are outlawed only outlaws will have guns .

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