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Thread: Tune an Old HW 35 or New HW 95 or 97

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2011

    Tune an Old HW 35 or New HW 95 or 97

    I've an old HW 35 which probably needs some work to bring it back to it's optimum performance and am contemplating either spending some money having it tuned or alternatively selling it and buying an HW 95 or 97 what do you reckon you'd do and why ??????

    Be interested to see what comparison there are on all 3 against each other ...... the fors and against for each and paticularily if I'd notice any difference in accuracy between any of them or if they're all pretty much the same. If they're all pretty much the same I'd personally probably go the tuning route as the rifle does have some sentimental value associated with it but not so much I could never let it go.

    Also if I did go for a new one I'd be tempted to go for a carbine, am I right in thinking though they produce more recoil in a springer than a standard length ???

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Some years ago I was in the same situation. I tuned the HW35, then bought a 97!

    The main reason was I decided I wanted a .177 and the HW35 was a .22.

    I don't think I'd sell a 35 to buy a 95 if the former suited my purposes. It's still a fantastic air rifle, to some it may look a little dated, but the performance is still very good with nothing to choose between the two on that score IMO.

    The 97 does offer something else, it's amongst the most accurate full power springers ever built. It's weighty, that may be helpful if you're target shooting or not if you hunt. We all have a personal preference, do you fancy a 10 lb+ hunting rig?

    As to barrel length. The 97s are all K-models, the 77 is available in standard and Karbine, whilst I think that the 95 is also only Karbine length in the UK with a screw cut barrel, supplied with a silencer/moderator. The latter makes the rifle a similar length to the HW35.

    Barrel length won't have a noticeable effect on recoil, but it does alter the balance and hence muzzle flip.

    Secondhand Standard HW35s fetch between £100-150 depending on the condition. So you'd need to put another couple of hundred into the pot for a new 95, which to me seems a poor return for little or no performance gain.

    £50-80 will get you either a tuning kit or basic tune by an airgunsmith which should give clear improvements, and a rifle which is more enjoyable to shoot.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    A new 95 or 97 would benefit from a tune anyhow so if I were you I would sort the 35. A carbine 95 with silencer is as long as a 35 too.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    St. Helens
    I've just purchased a new 95k which I requested to be tuned straight away and it fires sweet as a nut. I have also taken my 5 week old 97kt to be tuned as well.

    On reflection, I would have liked to have got an older 95 and had that tuned because the outlay for a new rifle just to be stripped and tuned is a lot more than a decent second hand rifle.

    I was undecided between a new 35 and 95, but from what I have been reading the 35 is actually a decent rifle.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    st neots
    Tuning the 35 makes sense, so long as its very accurate. Tuning an inaccurate rifle just makes an inaccurate rifle thats nicer to cock and shoot!
    So if the 35 has good barrel lockup, a good barrel and you like it I'd say go for it.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    waterlooville, Nr Portsmouth.
    I was in the same position as the O.P. I fitted a B&C kit to my HW35, and then bought an HW95K and fitted a B&C kit to that as well. I now have two really sweet shooting guns, and I'm very happy with both of them.
    Weihrauch B&C HW95K, B&C HW35K, BAM B26-2 venoman custom, QB78 DL custom.
    You ain't so big, you jus' tall, tha's all.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    Cheers to all for the replies really do appreciate !!!!

    Sounds as though everyone is unanimous and if I'm not going to see any real difference in accuracy or weight advantages seems like a complete no brainer so looks like the old 35 is going to get tune up
    Shame the owner can't afford one for himself as well

    Thanks to all !!!!

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