Thanks for that footnote to what was rapidly becoming a lesson in futility for me...

Now that you've clarified a few points I'm afraid that 'see but can't touch' and 'non-competetiveness' of the meet would have me howling to be let out from being 'locked in'.

Add to that your comment that it need not be expensive due to range fees and so on...hmmmmm. My present club does not charge any range fees at all unless you are a on-spec visitor [with an FAC, of course] who just has to zero his gun at a convenient range. I shoot on the inside ranges twice a week and outside also twice a week, being as I'm a retired old f&rt.

And I found Model 29 Swiss Luger, too - exactly what I wanted. Sadly, the gun-murderers had gotten to it before I expressed any interest, but I can tell you that at £3500 there wasn't a lot of interest around.

Thanks and 'bye.
