Extra cylinders to tell you the truth are a waste of time. They cost nearly as much as a whole revolver and given the initial "cool" factor and novelty value, you get to a stage where you only ever use one........ the one that's on the gun! On top of which, when it comes to selling that particular revolver with it's cylinders, you won't get anywhere near what you paid for them The police on a whole are a little loathe to give the variations for extra cylinders and an RFD knows this and you'll get pennies on the pound for them....... trust me, that's personal experience!!

"Colt" clones are great for the experience and a sense of history. Remington clones offer advantages such as the sighting plane and the ease of removing the cylinder. But, as generally, both from the same manufacturer, the "quality" is equal.

The Ruger Old Army is a very stout, accurate gun, but rough around the edges because of the casting of parts and lack of finishing. But, a very good gun. One major problem in the UK at the moment though, because Ruger stopped production of the Old Army after several decades, people seem to think that this gives an instant rise in the value!! Most people seem to be asking the price that the ROA was when it was new! I've seen one or two where the owners were wanting 900 quid! FFS!

Ruger dropped the Old Army because they made nearly 4 million of them and they don't wear out if looked after properly. Unfortunately, not many people in the UK understand that...

Euroarms made a fairly decent replica of the Rogers & Spencer, but again, standard of finish and the quality of some internal parts were questionable as far as quality was concerned. (Mine locked up completely after only firing 8 rounds from new!) The gun was scrapped by the importers and I was refunded, but I'd never buy another Euroarms!) That said, I believe they are now bust.....

The best B/P revolvers on the market today are the Remington and Rogers & Spencer made by Pedersoli and the FB History revolvers. These are the guns that they win world cahmpionship medals with. As close as you can get to a custom B/P revolver, but, they do retail at well over a grand! That said, that doesn't really make them expensive when you see second-hand Ruger prices! Unfortunately, the Pedersoli and FB revolvers are rarely seen on the second-hand market.