Hi All,

I've started this thread to track progress of a project I am hoping to start soon. I've never owned an air pistol (Rifles and some airsoft in the past) and I have regained an interest with a view to owning a pistol and entering the UBC monthly 10 metre league. This is a fun project intended to always be something of a technical challenge (more on this later) as well as improving my skill. It will be a long while before my abilities neccecitate a hardware upgrade (if indeed ever).

After conducting a lot of research (so many excellent threads and discussion on this forum) I have decided on a pistol: The Daisy 717. Once setup properly it seems to be a very solid platform for begining target shooting. The looks appeal to me, I would prefer a Single stroke pneumatic and it is a popular pistol to MOD with fairly simple internals.

Finding the gun - Budget is the keyword here, as in lack of! I am in no rush and from what I have seen suitable candidates pop up from time to time. So long as the basic mechanics are present I am looking for a pistol in need of repair. Leaky broken in some fashion etc etc Something that needs some love and time devoted to it. Thats where the technical challenge comes in. I have access to decent engineering facilities and materials so as long as I dont need to fabricate entire systems, its dooable.

Obviously I could save for a period, buy a decent starter gun of which there are many but I want that ability to fiddle! and ressurecting something prevoiusly malfunctioning or damaged, then hopefully IMPROVING it to as high a standard as I can with my resources is what will be amazing fun!

First obstacle is the missus Need some carefully crafted counter arguments to this endevour.....

Anyone with any links to usefull pages they have found in the past with mods to this particular gun would be great. I have found a few but I welcome any and all input. Including acusations that I am mad