Hi all,

Starting to notice that my grip on the pistol is causing a few issues - mostly discipline related, I will wriggle my hand round on grip when I know I shouldn't to adjust my hold or use thumb pressure to hold aim

I need to alter the grip so the whole palmshelf has about another 2/3mm adjustment to close up the gap slightly for the three fingers that (obviously!) aren't used for the trigger - I know I can do this

I'd also like to adjust the angle of the palmshelf slightly to support my hand - only by a few degrees, but this is the mod that worries me.. if the pistol is used for competitions (and I will one day!) will it meet regulations?

Not looking to curl palmshelf round, but just enough to make the contact between the edge? of my hand and the palmshelf more positive

Regulations here;


Would suggest that its not allowed, so would grip putty to shape the palmshelf or getting busy with the dremel be a way round it? That way the palmshelf is still at 90 degrees to the grip, its just the contour of the palmshelf that has been altered