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Thread: Club Local Scoring

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2010

    Club Local Scoring

    I had an interesting afternoon attending a course on local self scoring yesterday, although having been a scrutineer for Lincs for about 3 years now the LSRA run a very informative course to try to get some kind of sameness in the approach to scoring cards now that self scoring seems to be the way ahead for postal shooting (I know it isnt actually SELF scoring). I wondered how many others are attending presentations around the country
    ATB Martini
    Good Deals with Mikewaring, ggggr, watchsapart, Majex45, Nhill, zebedee71,Eredel,Hawksthorn,Red Bob, Stanbridge,Barrow_Matt,Mr.Fixit-Norm, turbo33 .atb thankyou all Neil

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Chelveston, Northants
    I know the NSRA are rolling out the long awaited Scorers training course and piloting it in Yorkshire.

    I'm pleased you found the Lincs training useful and informative, it's the second one that's been done.

    It was a concern with the County Exec that when we suggested doing local scoring that some type of formal training was needed to get everyone on the same page!!

    Alan (son of the one doing the training)

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Somerset recently went the other way, and elected to have a central scorer. An appeal over scoring led to the County Captain discovering just how inconsistent the marking was in some clubs. It wasn't admitted whether the guilty parties were deliberate, lazy, or just not trained.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    Your Dad did a great job passing on information yesterday, I have said to other people who scrutineer before when we have met that in the lack of any kind of training different people even read the way they gauge a shot hole differently, also a lot of questions regarding rules which are forever altering were cleared up, during the years I have done the job I found that numerous clubs find all kinds of ways to find out how skillful you are at sorting problems even Division one shooters can supply real eye openers which you wouldn't expect from someone of that level of shooting. I believe that as was said yesterday if every scorer bears in mind the spirit of sportsmanship and doesnt abuse the trust bestowed on him/her then it will be a good system
    Regards Martini
    Good Deals with Mikewaring, ggggr, watchsapart, Majex45, Nhill, zebedee71,Eredel,Hawksthorn,Red Bob, Stanbridge,Barrow_Matt,Mr.Fixit-Norm, turbo33 .atb thankyou all Neil

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    Local scoring was introduced in Cornwall in the 1980s. There was a strict scrutiny system that ensured that every club\scorer's cards were called in for checking at least once per season. The only observation that the scrutineer made after the first two seasons was to remind all scorers that the shooter should be accorded the benefit of the doubt. The evidence showed that club scorers were a little over zealous in their task and as result the only way that any scores had to adjusted was upwards. A further check in the system was a rule that required the last round in any division to be sent in for independent scoring should the final result depend upon it.

    As a final observation, I have seen a good many errors from independent scorers and most of them associated with NSRA competitions rather than county based ones.


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