If cost is a consideration, consider getting a single stroke pneumatic (SSP) rifle. These revolutionized the sport in the 1970s, setting all new world records when the Walther LGR came out. In order to keep the sport current, the UIT had to reduce the size of the target 35% and increase the length of the match from 40 to 60 shots, where it remains today. So, these rifles were a huge leap forward over the recoilless springers that came before them, and, based on scores, can keep up with the current PCP rifles of today.

So, I don't think you're really giving up much by going for an older SSP rifle. The main differences are the incredible array of ergonomic features that new rifle stocks offer, which, don't get me wrong, makes a huge difference. But the accuracy is basically the same. For a club shooter, you might be better picking up one of these rifles, and graduating to a better, more current rifle, when you "max out" on your starter rifle. These rifles are available as ex-club guns out of Germany for very low prices.

I recently picked up an air rifle as practice for Service Rifle competition. I looked hard at getting a Walther LGR from an importer of used rifles, but ended up with a lower-level rifle for cost reasons. A serious 10m rifle is definitely on my "buy" list for the next year, though.

Good luck!
