Quote Originally Posted by JiriK View Post
Me too!

I remembered from old days that the little finger shouldn't do anything while shooting with a pistol. The rest of the fingers are in use. Two weeks ago i borrowed an old pistol shooting book (well, finnish print of it) "Pistolenschiessen Band 1" by Klingner, Glock and Mertel. While some of the book is kind of obsolete now as it was written in 1982, most of the actual shooting technique stays the same.

So i read. Then test this different gripping in practice. Shot my season best score even while having a slight 'flu..

What do we learn from this.. Not much. I bet most of my good performance that day was due to being more focused on triggering the pistol right and gripping same way all the time.

Btw, what do you guys think is the correct shooting position?
I see local beginners being taught to stand sideways to the target so line from pistol to shoulder to shoulder is more or less straight. I just can not do that.. I learned to find the position by looking elsewhere and lifting the pistol to ~shooting position. Then move my feet so pistol points to the target.
You could be right about focus on trigger and consistent grip. I think these aspects are the most important anyway. As for stance, I reckon its a personal thing because we all have different body shapes and eyesight issues. I Don't like the side on approach because I seem to sway more like that. I prefer a 45 degree stance, and have to line up taking into account the sweet spot of vision through my multifocal lenses, which makes me turn my head slightly more to the right than if not wearing glasses. For two handed shooting, I stand straight on, as in the isosceles stance, with weight slightly forward on balls of feet. ATB. Pete.