Hi I bought the above today.

I was a bit worried on its reputation on the previous model as to it jamming on light loads & short cartridges.

From what I'd read about the latest 2012 edition and what it says on the blurb in the shop, it's supposed to cycle 2.5 to 3 inch cartridges and 24g to 56g loads.

Anyway , I tried a box of 24g fibre fiochi trap ones (67mm) on a sporting layout at my local club and didn't experience a single jam.

I did have some 28g lyvale express hv's 70mm in case I needed to bed the action but they weren't needed.

I used them up anyway and was pleasantly surprised how little kick there was.

On the whole, this package seems good value for £465, you get 5 extended chokes, shims, stock spacers, fibre optic sights and a 3 year warranty.

Regards Steve