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Thread: New member just brought HW45 BLACK STAR

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2012

    New member just brought HW45 BLACK STAR

    Hello,I am a new member here & just brought myself a HW45 BLACK STAR air pistol .22 ,I would like to know if i have made a good choice or not ?,I brought the gun just to have some fun with,shooting tin cans & targets and stuff with it.I am not into hunting or hurting any animals with it.Just for fun as a i say.

    I have had a few gun before when i was a kid,my best gun that i liked back then was a webley tempest .22 air pistol.I was going to buy one of them again but i see a HW45 SILVER STAR in the gun shop that took my eye & so i asked if i could take a close look at it.They let me hold it in the shop & i loved the feel of it in my hands.The only thing i was not sure about at the time was the silver look to it as i thought it looked a little bit like a toy gun.anyway i liked it so much still that i left a £50 deposit on it & then went home.When i got home i fired up the laptop to look at it again online & found out that they do the same gun in black called the black star.I thought it looked so god dam sexy so i called the gun shop to ask if they can get me that one instead & they said yes they can but i would need to wait over a week for it to come in,I said deal i will wait.The gun was £17 cheaper than the silver one to so that was ok.

    So i should have my new toy to play with next week ,now after reading a little bit online about the gun i am a bit worried because many people seem to be saying that it is a very hard gun to shoot & i am starting to think that maybe i have wasted my money .

    Can anyone tell me if the HW45 is going to be harder to shoot than a webley tempest ?,as i say i had a tempest once before and i did love it but i thought that was hard enough for me to shoot.sometimes i was ok on it and other days i was crap & i did get a bit mad with it.

    Do you good people think that i will like it or not ?,I know that it might be hard for people to tell me if i am going to like it or not but would love to just hear peoples opinions on this forum.

    I have just sold my brand new AirArms s410 tdr .22 last week as i thought it was not fun to shoot,as it seemed a bit to easy to hit things with it & i felt like it was not much fun shooting it for some reson.This is why i thought i would get a pistol instead.BUT i do not want a pistol that is going to be too hard to shoot and hit cans with it.

    Also what pellets shoot good in this HW45 black star ? , i have just brought some RWS super dooms just for a start but would like to know what is the best of the best to shoot in this gun for fun shooting.

    I was going to buy a webley alecto at first but when i talked to the man in the gun shop he said lots of people do not like them when they see them in the flesh so that put me right off them.Anyway i think this will be enought questions for my first post.

    Thanks in advance for any reply i get & thanks for having me admin

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2012

    Welcome to the forum

    I also have a Black Star .22 and I absolutely love it! I wouldn't say it's any more or less difficult than a Tempest but it is a little more challenging than the Alecto due to the fact that the HW45 has a bit of recoil. I found the Alecto very boring to shoot and i didn't really get on with the cocking action. I also thought it looked a bit cheapo due to all the plastic. However, I would probably own one if the price was right. I.e. £120 used.

    My Black Star seems to like JSB exact dome heads but that's the only type of pellet that I've tried in it. Trust me, you will have no problem killing cans with it, I can hit cans fairly consistently up to about 20 metres and I'm fairly new to pistol shooting.

    My girlfriend has a CO2 Beretta but she liked my HW so much that she has just bought a used Silver Star in .22! She's gonna try to whoop my ass at the range with it today

    Don't be put off if you don't hit everything you point the gun at, it will take a while to get used to it. Also your gun will probably diesel (smoke coming out of the muzzle) for the first few tins of pellets but I hear that this is normal and doesn't affect the accuracy of the gun.

    Hope you enjoy yours as much as I do mine,



  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Try the search bar. You should find loads of posts and advice on HW45's. Welcome to the forum by the way.
    Knowledge is knowing a tomato is a fruit. Wisdom is not putting it in a fruit salad.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    welcome to BBS,I have 2 HW45 PISTOLS .177 and .22 they are both great pistols for hitting tin cans etc it will take you a while to hit targets every time because of the recoil ,you may want to consider fitting a red dot sight at some point ,I also have a webley tempest but prefer the HW45,you have made a good choice,although I prefer rifles for target shooting but as you say with todays advanced rifles it is very hard to miss the target a pistol is more of a challenge,have fun.

  5. #5
    eyebull's Avatar
    eyebull is offline Even a stopped clock is right twice a day
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    Welcome to the BBS Hotshot
    Don't worry about hitting things with the HW45, as spring pistols go its recoil is quite manageable and the trigger is excellent which helps accuracy greatly. As long as you keep a consistent hold on the gun you will get results - it's not particularly hold sensitive, just don't hold it really really tightly and you will get on just fine.
    Have a play with it, holding it in different ways and see what it does to the POI (point of impact). The important thing is to hold it in such a way that you can replicate that hold each time. In my experience the Artillery Hold doesn't work so well with pistols, they prefer a slightly firmer grip. Have an experiment yourself though, shoot some groups and see what works for you.
    Start off shooting on 1/2 power for a bit, not only to get used to the recoil but also to get rid of some of the factory lube without it detonating and smoking too much.
    Just so you know, it will shoot to a different point depending on the power it is set at - counterintuitively it will impact lower on higher power - this is due to the timing of the firing cycle.

    I've not shot a tempest but I'll hazard a good guess that the HW45 will be easier to shoot.
    Opinions differ, but there is a broad consensus that the HW45 is the best sporting spring pistol available. You haven't wasted your money by any means
    Good deals with these members

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    I would worry more about getting it.
    These are in short supply and are special order from HW.
    That can take a long time.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    You will love it. Easily customisable with alternative grips and barrels are easy to swap so if you get bored of .22 you could try .20 or .177

    Have what i believe to be a Mk1 HW45 in .177 and i love it. My first pistol as i was a bit bored with the clinical ability of my 3 AA s410's.
    I could hit a tin can end on stright of. Times are hard cash wise at the moment but this will be one of the last things to go.
    Wanted S4** in need of TLC Project required WYG
    AA S410TDR .22 050370 Tench reg (AA S410 Classic .177 039396 Pre A/T Walnut T/Hole) AA s410k 1.77 Tench Reg HW90 .177 1268824

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    Thank you for all the good replys everyone I am very greatful for your time.

    gingernut,The shop told me that there suppliers had them in stock and should get it for me by the end of the week,but that was last week and it did not turn up by the end of the week like they told me,hope they was not just stringing me along How long are other having to wait to get theres ?

    I do not mind waiting though a few weeks or so,but i would rather people be truthful with me in the first place though.

    eyebull ,I will shoot it on 1/2 power for a bit like you say to do & will experiment a bit with it as best as i can.thank you.

    Bryan ,I hope your right and that i will love sounds cool that i can change it to .177 or .20,also i am sorry to hear that Times are hard for cash at the moment for you,hopefully this will change soon for ya.

    kenhart1 ,Thanks,as long as i can hit atleast a tin can with it i will proberly be happy with it,what red dot sight is good to put on this gun,do they all fit on or do i need to buy the right one ? I mean is there one that is ment to go on a HW45 black star.

    PJHIZZLE ,your reply has made me feel much better about buying it for sure,I will try out some JSB exact dome heads If i could hit cans with it consistently up to about 20 metres or so I will be a very happy person & will be please that i brought it.Did your girlfriend win lol ?.

    When i get the gun & use it a few times i will come back and let everyone know what i think of it & how i got on.

    Thank you all once again for your time


  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Wait as long as you want to but then cancel your order.
    If they say you cant, tell them that "time is now of the essence" of the contract and that you give them 2 more weeks to get it after which the contract is cancelled.

    That should do the trick.

  10. #10
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    Oct 2012
    I think I will just wait for as long as it takes,but I really hope it does not take forever to get it.If anything I will try and get some money knocked off of it for them stringing me along.It looks like I have payed well over the top for it anyway as it is costing me £310.This is from my local gun shop,greenfield shooting range in canterbury sturry.They always seem to charge the earth for there stuff there

    If I buy online like I did with my S410 TDR and have it sent to greenfields then greenfields charge me £25 for taking it in for me.

    It sucks buying gun from where I live.

    Please god help me get this gun please,If you help me I will be your tea boy when I die and come to you

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    Worcester UK
    If you order from Solware they are quoting 2-8 weeks,seems iffy if someone else says that they can get it quicker.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    Battle, East Sussex


    Try here, this is in .177 but they do the .20 & .22 Blackstar as well, postage to your door is 16.65 euro's and there is a credit card fee of 4% but after all that with the Euro at 1.20 it works out at £245.

    The pistol I ordered took 4 days.

    Just print off the English instructions in the PDF file first.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Sep 2011
    welcome to the site hotshot,something to wet your whistle

  14. #14
    eyebull's Avatar
    eyebull is offline Even a stopped clock is right twice a day
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    Beat me to it Coburn (how are you getting on with the Record BTW?)

    I have dealt with the above guys a few times, no problems.
    Good deals with these members

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    WOW,them 3 pistols sitting nicely together look the part I must say

    At the moment I think I will sit tight & wait on greenfields for a bit,I see that it shows that blackpool airguns have them in stock.

    If I like this gun alot when I get it I might buy another one in .22 so I would have two,one in each hand, both in .22 ,I think that would be or is that being to greedy ?.,lol I was thinking I would feel like a terminator.Do you think it would be impossible for me to shoot both at the same time one in each hand ?

    Am I crazy ?

    Am off out for the day to do some xmas shopping with family,should take my mind off thinking about the gun for the day

    Thanks for replys & for warm welcome,take care.

    Last edited by Hotshot666; 30-10-2012 at 10:50 AM.

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