The first season of the MPL has been very successful and has given a lot of new interest and pleasure to many people and so the rules for 2013 should also stay the same to provide continuity and stability.

However, right from the start we said we would review the scoring process once we had gained some real life experience with the scoring up and scoring down and bonus points we use for different catagories of pistol ( kickers and recoiless).

Basically we think everything is working well enough, but the scoring process itself could be made a bit easier if all the scoring was done the same way, but with some bonus points simply being added when the shooter is using a "kicker".

My proposal is that starting with 2013 Round One all scoring on all cards are scored UP in the regular way, but anyone using a "kicker" has 4 bonus points added to each card.

Observations so far suggest that this will work very much the same way as it does now, but it will be much easier for the scorers to work with as all cards can be scored in the same way. Scoring some cards up and then some cards down make's it a little harder to keep consistant, and now that we have come up with a more simple way of getting a similar end result we should make the change.