OK Gary, since no Bugger's pitched in on this Thread, I thought I'd better start the Ball rolling !

Got my first airgun (pistol) in 1966 ! Yep, you guessed it, a "Harry Gat" !
Lusted after an Airsporter (as we all did) but sadly couldn't afford one.
Over the years I shot a good few airguns, Relums, Mercury's Webbo's etc. but didn't really get into the collecting bug.
Throughout the 70 and 80's, I got more into fishing, not airgunning, so my interest wained.
Picked it up in the mid 90's with the advent of the Theo. Rapid !
Had three and a few "rammers" and loved the experiance !
Started collecting about then with old Beezaz. my "collection" ebbed and flowed over the next few years. Sometimes I had 15/20, then it would drop to about 8 or so.
A year back I had 29 including powderburners. This has dropped to 12 plus my c'fires.
Out of the 12, I cant see myself parting with any, I've looked at it and each time I pick a gun out, I immediatly return it to the cabinet !
Not saying I wouldn't sell for the right price but it'd be a hard bargain !

OK, Thats Me !
