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Thread: For those that like a plink at home

  1. #16
    Join Date
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    Chorley; somewhere to the SW of I.J. (fortunately)
    The written instruction leaflet comes with a no obligation quote to modify your house to incorporate a 10m range.
    Nowhere to go no hurry to get there; well I suppose it is somewhere to go.... founded by I.J. - let down by the tainted blood scandal

  2. #17
    Join Date
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    Blackburn, Lancs. (under a bridge)
    Steves description of his inventions has put more people to sleep than Horlicks!
    Founder & ex secretary of Rivington Riflemen.

  3. #18
    mrfixit is offline There's many a slip twixt trousers and skip
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    Obviously not posting at 3am
    plus not my invention just a cheap way for us.
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  4. #19
    Join Date
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    Blackburn, Lancs. (under a bridge)
    'Cheap' !!! I like the sound of that. And no strings attached.

    I stayed up most of last night trying to remember if I had amnesia or insomnia.

    Founder & ex secretary of Rivington Riflemen.

  5. #20
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    Now that on a 100m range / shooting session would be ideal

  6. #21
    RobinC's Avatar
    RobinC is offline Awesome Shooting Coach and Author.
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    To put some degree of seriousnes into what looks like a great home built changer, on the video it looks quite good and I presume glitch free?
    The average built one is around the £250 mark including backstop, we have several different makes and found that the more complex and electronic laden they are the more tempermental and problematic they are. This is simple and looks ideal for basic club use and you have a nice little earner here, no excuse for clubs to not have them.
    Good luck
    Walther KK500 Alutec expert special - Barnard .223 "wilde" in a Walther KK500 Alutec stock, mmm...tasty!! - Keppeler 6 mmBR with Walther grip and wood! I may be a Walther-phile?

  7. #22
    mrfixit is offline There's many a slip twixt trousers and skip
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    Hi Robin up to now glitch free and it has been used by me and my 10 year old daughter has given it a good testing
    This is the second of this type I've built the first having a pcb and speed controller,but I felt this was not needed and to reduce the price did away with it.Ive built 3 now for fellow club members so they can give them a trial also.
    I have not the time nor inclination to make any money out of these,hence why I posted the components list for other members.
    Ps my target changer using the printer is still my favourite.
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  8. #23
    RobinC's Avatar
    RobinC is offline Awesome Shooting Coach and Author.
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    Well done, most impressive.
    Good shooting
    Walther KK500 Alutec expert special - Barnard .223 "wilde" in a Walther KK500 Alutec stock, mmm...tasty!! - Keppeler 6 mmBR with Walther grip and wood! I may be a Walther-phile?

  9. #24
    Join Date
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    Blackburn, Lancs. (under a bridge)
    Credit were credits due (and I wouldn't normally give MrFixit credit. )

    This is an excellent idea and one that should be taken up with clubs who havent got this equipment.
    When Rivi started with a 10m pistol range we used to use modified car electric window winders and all five used to run at different speeds. It was a race to get your card to the firing point first.
    This system is cheap, the parts easily accessible and for a club a good safety feature as no one is crossing the firing line to change cards.

    Founder & ex secretary of Rivington Riflemen.

  10. #25
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    Chorley; somewhere to the SW of I.J. (fortunately)
    Quote Originally Posted by I. J. View Post
    Credit were credits due (and I wouldn't normally give MrFixit credit. )

    This is an excellent idea and one that should be taken up with clubs who havent got this equipment.
    When Rivi started with a 10m pistol range we used to use modified car electric window winders and all five used to run at different speeds. It was a race to get your card to the firing point first.
    This system is cheap, the parts easily accessible and for a club a good safety feature as no one is crossing the firing line to change cards.

    + 1

    Nowhere to go no hurry to get there; well I suppose it is somewhere to go.... founded by I.J. - let down by the tainted blood scandal

  11. #26
    mrfixit is offline There's many a slip twixt trousers and skip
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    Quote Originally Posted by I. J. View Post
    Credit were credits due (and I wouldn't normally give MrFixit credit. )

    This is an excellent idea and one that should be taken up with clubs who havent got this equipment.
    When Rivi started with a 10m pistol range we used to use modified car electric window winders and all five used to run at different speeds. It was a race to get your card to the firing point first.
    This system is cheap, the parts easily accessible and for a club a good safety feature as no one is crossing the firing line to change cards.

    Ok own up,who's hacked his account
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  12. #27
    Join Date
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    Chorley; somewhere to the SW of I.J. (fortunately)
    Quote Originally Posted by mrfixit View Post
    Ok own up,who's hacked his account
    Yep - it's totally out of character; or else he's angling for you to build and install one for him
    Nowhere to go no hurry to get there; well I suppose it is somewhere to go.... founded by I.J. - let down by the tainted blood scandal

  13. #28
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by mrfixit View Post
    Have you ever tried to get a patent?
    Indeed! The solicitor costs are phenomenal and the bouncing too and from the patent examiner can go on forever with associated costs. Then, if it is granted, someone could raise objections and you go round the loop again which can take years and all the time you are paying renewal costs, examiner's fees, solicitor's fees and if worse come to worse court fees.

    On top of that, the patent is only of use in the country you have filed.

    Patents have to be worded very well to give good cover of the invention / method otherwise someone can take your idea, change it slightly and claim a new invention leaving you high and dry.

    Patents can be contested or rejected by the examiner if the idea or something vaguely similar is already in the public domain. Just a sketch or a white paper or anything that can be proven to be available prior to the application date. There does not need to be a patent or patent application already in place for your invention or method to be deemed already invented.

    Also, once your patent is published, the whole world can replicate what you have done and if you haven't filed a patent in those countries then you lose out there too!

    Oh, and you can't use a patent to stop someone copying your idea and flogging it even in the country that you have filed the patent. You are obliged to allow them to do so under license. You will make some cash this way though.

    Here is a quote from Lord Esher in Ungar v Sugg (1892) 9 RPC 113, 117 that "a man had better have his patent infringed, or have anything happen to him in this world, short of losing all his family by influenza, than have a dispute about a patent". This is still very pertinent.

    So, if you think you have an invention and want to patent it, you better be damn sure it's going to make a lot of money or you will be broke before the patent gets granted.

  14. #29
    Join Date
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    Blackburn, Lancs. (under a bridge)
    Quote Originally Posted by mrfixit View Post
    Ok own up,who's hacked his account

    Whats up Window Licker Wilson? [Is that better?]

    Quote Originally Posted by mikec4 View Post
    Yep - it's totally out of character; or else he's angling for you to build and install one for him
    Not while I have legs. I need all the exercise I can get. My only form of exercise is pushing my luck and jumping to conclusions.
    Founder & ex secretary of Rivington Riflemen.

  15. #30
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by mrfixit View Post
    Have you ever tried to get a patent?
    Know what you mean!

    Similar target changers already exist and their design is "common knowledge" therefore no Patent

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