
First post here, after lurking for a while!

I am looking at getting into air pistol and possibly air rifle target (Possibly FT) shooting. I have been reading all the forums and collecting as much information as possible about the various pistol types and makes.

I think I have narrowed down what I want to get to start with to the following list.

Steyr LP50 Kit with the single shot mag as well. I like the idea of a pistol that can also be used in rapid fire events. Also makes it a lot more fun for plinking targets in the garden.

Hill pump with Drypack for charging. I think I need some sort of adaptor for this. Anyone know which one I need?

Looking to also get a 300Bar 12L divers bottle for easy clean air in the future. The ones from MDE here http://www.midlanddiving.com/ look ideal, as they are only 35 miles from me.

H&N Finale Match Pellets 0.49g 4.49mm or similar.

Bisley Target Funnel 6.75x6.75 I will probably fill this with carpet to reduce the noise!

Bisley Targets Black & White Double sided 100off Cheapish targets for practising. I found some nice printable targets on the net but need a laser printer (at work) and thicker paper to print them affordably!

Gamo Metal Resetable Target Box for some fun plinking

I can shoot in by back garden (10m) as well as inside my garage/house, with an internal door open I can get a 7.5m indoor range. I am going to get work make me a 2mm sheet steel backstop as we have a sheet metal shop. I believe that a 10m target is normally mounted at 1.4m high to the centre of the target. Is this correct?

I have emailed all the Steyr dealers I could find in the UK and have had quite a few replies. Many can only supply the pistol and I think I may be better getting all items from one supplier. This would reduce postage charges and give me one point of contact. This is still pending a few replies and I will sit on it for a few days before I buy anything.

I know that this is not the cheapest way of starting out! But I am a bit of an equipment obsessive (See my website for more! J ) and would like to start with kit that I don’t have to upgrade. Plus it makes adding a rifle at some point in the future an easy task as I would already have the charging equipment.

Sorry for the long first post but I thought I would introduce my thoughts and see what everyone thinks.

Many Thanks
