I'd be dead grateful if you could you ask your mate Ted what pellets he uses in his Solo.

I've tried AA Field 4.52 but as I said on the other tread they seemed to be of dubious quality (maybe a bad batch).

Just been out in the garden and altho' I think it's me 'pulling' on the trigger break as any variation seems to be fairly consistently around about half a dot to the left and the variation occurs only intermittently, I would like to hear about others experiences of different pellts in their Solos

Also had a quick go with Pentrators but my bottle ran out of air before I could re-zero properly and my pump's still up the club.

I've got a tin of JSB exact's coming having had a look at some on Sunday and they seemed to be a bit cleaner, they're in 4.53.

I'd really like to feel confident with this gun as I'd like to use it at Quarry on the 15th!

TIA Gary and if anybody else has any suggestions (postable one's, that is ) then post 'em, I'll be your mate forever!