Hi, does anyone have any experience of getting things proofed at the proof house? I am specifically asking about the BP nitro conversions. I have heard that people seem to be using them with the shotgun primer conversion nipples and a small load of nitro. I haven't seen one and no one seems to know if these guns have been re- proofed for nitro at the proof house, so:
1. can it be done retroactively? (Alan Westlake's purpose built muzzle loaders state the amount & make of nitro on the gun, so would the BLACK POWDER ONLY engraving have to be removed?)
2. is it safe?
3. is it legal?
I am asking this as a theoretical query but if some one has had it done I would love to hear from you about it. The NRA bible states that muzzle loaders can only be shot with nitro if they are marked proof for nitro, but do they mean the purpose built ones?

sorry that is quite a few questions, but they kept occuring to me as I typed!