I'm using a Euroarms Rogers and Spencer at the moment that I got a while back, but I've started to notice some mild pitting on the rear of the cylinder on either side of the nipple. I've been wondering what caused it, so I had a look-see and a fiddle with it. The pistol seems to cycle and index nicely, but on releasing the hammer, the hammer is hitting the nipple slightly off centre, and I'm guessing this is what is causing the pitting on the rear of the cylinder. The cylinder indexes nicely and locks in position but it just seems to be when the trigger is pulled that it causes slight rotation.

Please excuse my ignorance to correct terminology as I've not been shooting BP for very long, but I have also noticed on the cylinder itself there seems to be slight wear in the indentations within the cylinder which the foot/hand (?) lock into. Could it be that as the hammer strikes it, because there's slight wear in the grooves on the cylinder that this is why the hammer is being pushed off centre?

How would I go about remedying the situation as well, would I need a new foot/hand that's more "proud" to better fit in the indentation or will it be something more severe?

Apologies for so many questions, look forward to any responses as well as any prices that may be involved too