Bell Target
and indoor shooting

Our indoor shooting season started on Wednesday November 2nd when the threat of rain and an early sunset compelled us to move inside for a short range rifle (and pistol) frolic. Missing from our ranks were Gorge, Ron R and Jeff, but Ash, Dave and Ron G carried on in the manner of Idaho stalwarts.

Dave and Ash have been practicing at ten metes this summer and it shows. Ron was just thrilled that both his rifle and pistol were still sighted in after not being shot since last March.

Since Wednesday, it has snowed in Pocatello marking the start of the winter indoor shooting season.

Bell Target

Name: 10 yards, 7 yards
Ash; 28, 27
Dave: 27, 28
Ron G: 24, 24

International pistol 300 points possible

Ash; 264 5x CLUB RECORD
Dave: 246 1X
Ron G: 202 0X

A quorum being present, defined as those who are present, they discussed the winter shooting schedule. Indoor shooting will be on the first Wednesday of the month, and Field Target/PFT will be held on the third Saturday (weather permitting) at 9 AM. Dave suggested that we hold a charity Bell Target shoot in the spring.

The next match will be Saturday the the weather will determine what we are gong to shoot.
