Quote Originally Posted by T 20 View Post
Hi Alistair

The big thing I found out with that exercise was that you could increase the power output of certain guns by reducing the transfer port diameter.

The other classic example of this is the Webley Hawk MK2 --- sleeve the transfer port down and watch the power go up and the recoil come down.

All the best Mick
There are many reasons why I have never attempted going down the road of "wholesale" and "structural" changes:-

What you've stated up above is something that's always been at the back of my mind.

Lack of bottle is one of the big reasons. My guns are all special to me and I'd hate to think I'd ruined it by going too far......Obtaining some near-to-worthless wrecks would certainly help in this regard!
I'm also hampered by a chronic lack of time and don't have the workshop facilities. If I had the time, bottle and gear, and could obtain enough basketcases, I'd LOVE to be able to delve a little deeper than my usual de-burr, polish, replace seals and fit guides etc.

So, to date, I've been happy with just making what's there just a little nicer.

Yes, I'd love to be able to play with sleeving down the bore and altering stroke etc. And, yes, I realise that, with the right gear, if you go to far with the TP diameter, this can be rectified.

But, sticking to the standard dimensions will do me for now, but I'll always feel very grateful and indebted to peeps like you, Mick. And Bigtoe and Wonky. There are more out there, too. Intrepid tuners who are happy to share their knowledge with us.

Cheers guys!